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  • Google Announces Google Apps News at I/O Conference
    06/25/2014 - 11:59
    Google has made a number Google Apps-related announcements today as part of the keynote presentation at its 2014 I/O conference in San Francisco, including: Google Drive counts 190 million active users over 30 days          "Drive For Work" offers: Encryption of documents intransit and on-server Enhanced administrative controls Audit...

  • ABA TECHSHOW Now Accepting Speaker/Topic Proposals for 2015 Conference
    06/24/2014 - 10:21
    The American Bar Association’s TECHSHOW has opened the submission process for speakers and topics for its 2015 conference, April 16-18 in Chicago.           ABA TECHSHOW is seeking proposals for presentations on trends, techniques and specific tools that will help lawyers in firms of all sizes practice law more efficiently and effectively....

  • How Private is your Facebook Friends List? "Feature" Could be Useful for Investigative Research
    06/09/2014 - 13:36
    Even if you have set your list of Friends on Facebook to the most restrictive privacy setting offered (Only Me), that list may still be visible - dependent on the privacy settings of your Facebook friends. Information security consulting firm CyberInt has reported a work-around that can expose portions of your Friends list to anyone on the Internet by comparing your Friends list to that of a (...

  • As Pennsylvania Bar Association Shifts from InCite to Casemaker, Members Will Discover the Benefits
    05/27/2014 - 11:52
    As noted in Carole Levitt's new ABA book, Internet Legal Research on a Budget (co-authored with Judy K. Davis), forty-eight state bar associations subscribe to legal research databases on behalf of their members as a member benefit. Forty-seven of these forty-eight states subscribe either to Casemaker or Fastcase. Currently, the Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA) subscribes to InCite. A...

  • We’ve Been Hoping for a Free Citator Equal to the Fee-Based Shepard’s, BCite, and KeyCite: Has the Time Arrived?
    05/23/2014 - 12:36
    Last year, to review the current state of citator services, we wrote a white paper comparing the citator services of Google Scholar, Fastcase, Casemaker, LexisNexis, WestlawNext, and Bloomberg. As much as we like our free access to Casemaker and Fastcase, we’ve always hoped that Casemaker and Fastcase would add a more robust, free citator (equal to Shepard’s, BCite, and KeyCite). But...

  • Automated Social Media Search at TransUnion/TLO
    05/20/2014 - 03:00
    In a recent press release, TransUnion/TLO announced “a powerful new Social Media Search feature” that allows you to enter up to five email addresses associated with your subject (see next image) and TLO will scour over 145 social media sources to, “Potentially verify identity and gain insight on associations and relationships through data that helps create a more complete view...

  • Internet Archive Now Contains 400 Billion Webpages
    05/13/2014 - 03:00
    The Internet Archive has announced that its "Wayback Machine" collection of archival Web pages has surpassed the 400 Billion mark. This is a significant increase from the first time we wrote about the Archive, shortly after it was released publicly in 2001, when it contained approximately 10 Billion Web pages. The Internet Archive gives us access to old versions of pages that have been...

  • Now You Can Rearrange the Google Apps in the Browser Apps Launcher
    04/30/2014 - 01:47
    As we've written previously, last Winter Google introduced the (unlabeled) Apps Launcher in the upper right hand corner of your browser window to access their specialized search databases and your Google Apps.          Today, Google has given us the ability to drag-and-drop the icons for those databases and Apps so that we can rearrange them into an order...

  • Twitter Makes Searches Better | Adds Date Limiter
    04/29/2014 - 04:03
    Searching for the "tweets" people post on Twitter has long been a hit-or-miss proposition. For a long time, you could not retrieve any tweets older than a week or two. And even though Twitter has always had an Advanced Search page, the site no longer includes a link to it on its homepage. Now, you can retrieve older tweets more easily, within a range you define, using the newly added...

  • Gmail Makes Access to Mobile Device Photos Easier | Google Adds One Button Image Integration
    04/21/2014 - 02:03
    Google has made it easier for Gmail users to insert or attach photos they have taken with mobile devices into the emails they compose on their desktop or laptop computers. In order to take advantage of the feature, you must be using the Auto Backup feature of the Google+ app to automatically upload the photos you take on your device to your Google+ account. Google's new "Insert Photo...

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