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  • Is PACER Testing New Filters in its Case Locator Search Results
    10/14/2014 - 14:56
    Today I noticed something I've never seen before on the PACER Case Locator search results page - a Filter Results button.   Clicking the Filter Results button opens a pop-up box that allows you to further filter your results by numerous criteria (e.g., Court Type, Court, Year Filed in the screenshot above). Clicking the plus sign next to any of the listed filters expands that filter to...

  • Center for Digital Government Announces Outstanding Government Web Sites
    10/08/2014 - 21:14
    The Center for Digital Government has announced the winners of the 2014 Best of the Web (BOW) and Digital Government Achievement Awards (DGAA). The awards "recognize outstanding agency and department Web sites and projects at the application and infrastructure level. ALL United States and international GOVERNMENT AGENCIES - all levels and all countries - may enter their actively functioning...

  • More Bar Associations Provide Fastcase Case Law Research to Members
    10/08/2014 - 21:03
    Seven state and local Bar associations have moved to offer their members access to the Fastcase case law research database as a free benefit of membership in their respective associations. This includes two state Bar Associations, as well as five of the six members of the Ohio Metropolitan Bar Association Consortium. They are: State Bar Associations: South Carolina Bar...

  • Yahoo! Kills Yahoo! | Directory That Launched The Search Engine Set to Disappear at the End of 2014
    09/26/2014 - 15:58
    Jay Rossiter, Yahoo!'s Senior Vice President of its Cloud Platform Group announced that on December 31, 2014 Yahoo! will discontinue the Yahoo! Directory that birthed the company. The news was contained in a post on the company's media/press blog outlining the company's "continued product focus." The death notice was short and to the point. In the post, Rossiter said:...

  • Documents Removed from PACER Set to Return Says Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC)
    09/19/2014 - 11:48
    The Washington Post is reporting that the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) "has a plan to restore online access to documents that were controversially removed in August from PACER, the online system for accessing public court records." According to the post to the newspaper's blog, David Sellers, assistant director for public affairs at the AOC, issued the following...

  • Google Kills Blogsearch - But Here's How You Can Force Google to Display it
    08/13/2014 - 19:25
    UPDATE, 3/28/16: Since this was originally posted, Google Kills Blogsearch (Again) - But This Time They REALLY Mean It Google Blogsearch is no more. It appears that Google has killed the blog only search database. Requests for the blog-only search interface that used to live at and now return a "page not found" error or...

  • Searching for Images on Instagram
    08/08/2014 - 13:43
    Instagram is a social networking site focused on sharing images and video. Users can also record and share fifteen second videos. Because Instagram started out as a mobile app, the Web site actually feels a bit like an afterthought–with not very much functionality.          (function() { var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/...

  • New York City Bar Association Adds Access to Casemaker Legal Research Resources as a Member Benefit
    08/04/2014 - 07:41
    As noted in Carole Levitt's new ABA book, Internet Legal Research on a Budget (co-authored with Judy K. Davis), forty-eight state bar associations subscribe to legal research databases on behalf of their members as a member benefit. Recently, the New York City Bar Association added access to Casemaker's premium services as a free benefit for their members.      ...

  • Bing Launches Twitter Hashtag Search | But Is It An Improvement?
    06/29/2014 - 15:37
    Bing has launched a new search function that allows users to easily retrieve content from Twitter using either the hash symbol ("#") or the "@" sign as part of your search. While Microsoft has touted its "special relationship" with Twitter (dating back to 2009), this new development does not appear to offer significant improvements beyond the search capabilities of...

  • State Bar of Texas Offers Members More Access to Free Legal Research
    06/28/2014 - 14:34
    Texas attorneys now have free access to the two largest nationwide legal research services - Casemaker and Fastcase - as a benefit of membership in the State Bar of Texas. With this new agreement with Fastcase, Texas attorneys are the first to receive access to both Fastcase and Casemaker as a free benefit of their membership in the Bar.          The State...

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