Internet For Lawyers' articles cover the latest developments in conducting efficient legal, business and investigative research on the Internet, as well as effective use of technology in your practice. Company President Carole Levitt, J.D., M.L.S. and Vice President Mark E. Rosch. Rosch and Levitt have written on the subject for numerous publications, including Los Angeles Lawyer, Law Office Computing, The Internet Lawyer, Research Advisor, LLRX.com and FindLaw.com, among others. Additionally, they are the co-authors of "The Lawyer's Guide to Fact Finding on the Internet" published by the American Bar Association's Law Practice Management Publishing. Recognized as experts in the field of Internet usage in the legal profession, Levitt and Rosch have been interviewed by numerous publications, including USA Today, Lawyer's Weekly USA, The National Law Journal, Law Office Management, Smart Money and The Los Angeles Daily Journal, among other publications. Their first book, "The Cybersleuth's Guide to the Internet," now in it's 10th edition, has been featured in Legal Management, Legal Technology News, The Houston Lawyer, The Los Angeles Daily Journal and the Detroit Legal News, among other publications. (Some reviews may have appeared under the books previous title "How to Use the Internet for Legal, Business & Investigative Research") All Internet For Lawyers articles are ©Internet For Lawyers and their respective authors. No article contained on this web site may be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of Internet For Lawyers.
Application Service Providers | Company Research | Backing up Your Computer | Computer Upkeep | In-House Computer Training |
Entertainment Law Resources | Internet Ethics & Netiquette | Locating & Evaluating Experts | Extranets for Law Firms (Part I) | |
Extranets for Law Firms (Part II) | Finding and Researching Experts and Their Testimony | Fact Finding Online | Where to Conduct Free Federal Legislative Research Online | |
Free Legal Resources | FindLaw | Gadgets Lawyers Can't Live Without | Geek Speak-Tech Glossary | |
Online Job Hunting | High Tech Resources | Free Legal Resources | Why Use the Internet for Legal Research | Law School Online |
Profile of Carole Levitt | LexisOne | LexisOne & FindLaw Compared | LA Daily Journal's Web Site | Research Databases Available Free From Many Public Libraries |
MCLE Online | Metadata | |||
Mobile Technology (Pocket PC) | Private Portals | Presentation Software | Protect Your Privacy Online | Public Records |
More Public Records | Real Estate Resources | Search Engines Add More Features & Functions | Addressing Browser Security - Alternatives to Internet Explorer | Advanced Web Search Strategies |
Maintaining Effective Web Sites | Keeping Your Web Site Content Up-to-Date | Choosing the Right Web Site Components |
"Finding Entertainment Law Resources On the Internet" From scholarly journals and trade publications, to gossip and scandals, there are a wide range of resources available online for practitioners of entertainment law. |
"Computer Training is Best in 'Byte-Size' Chunks" Employee training is a widely accepted method of developing skills, enhancing productivity and quality of work. Increasingly, management has also recognized training as a means of improving employee morale and loyalty to the firm. Training provided on a regular basis helps employees learn and retain more information and work more efficiently than intensive one-day sessions. |
"How to Find & Research Experts on the Internet" At one or more times in their careers, most attorneys will need to locate an expert for trial or pretrial consultation. In her "Computer Counselor" column, Carole Levitt shows attorneys how to locate experts or conduct due diligence to verify an expert's credentials. |
"Advanced Web Search Techniques That Help Your Practice" It may not be widely known that much of the Internet is "invisible" to the general-purpose search engines that most people use. In fact, as many as 550 billion posted pages are not found when a searcher enters key words. In this report, the "Computer Counselor" helps attorneys understand why so many pages are not found by search engines and how mine the information held in the "insvisible web." |
"Is Your Web Site as Effective as it Could Be?" Are you convinced that no one ever visits your website and that it is ineffective at generating business? Before completely revamping a website, lawyers should conduct an audit of their site to learn WHY their sites are not producing their desired results. In this edition of the "Computer Counselor," Carole Levitt & Marketing veteran Mark Rosch show attorneys how to conduct a self-audit or hire an outside auditor to check their site's current effectiveness, identify specific elements that might need to be tuned-up and then perform the actual tune up. |
"Application Service Providers Are Gaining Acceptance" Application Service Providers (ASPs) can help firms hold down the costs of new software implementation. In her "Computer Counselor" column, Carole Levitt and legal technology expert Thomas Fleming examine how law firms can benefit by utilizing ASPs. |
"Private Portals Mark the Latest Advance on the Internet Front" First, attorneys had to learn how to use the Internet. Then came intranets and extranets. Now there are portals. In her "Computer Counselor" column, Carole Levitt examines how members of the legal field are slowly joining the private portal trend. |
"Online Legal Job Hunters Have A Wealth of Options" Anybody who has watched the Super Bowl the last few years has seen commercials for Internet employment sites (such as Monster and Hot Jobs), but there are numerous employment sites that cater specifically to the legal market. This article examines more than a dozen options available to legal job hunters and recruiters. |
"Planning and Implementing a Computer Backup System" Computer crashes are a fact of life, but attorneys can develop a simple back-up plan to avoid the loss of productivity or computer data that can be caused by small, everyday problems, such as wear and tear, viruses, electrical surges or outages, and accidents. This article is co-written with the PC Maestro, Elliott Stern, author of "Keep Your Computer Running Right." |
"The Waiting is Over: The Los Angeles Daily Journal is on the Web" Second of Three Parts
The Los Angeles Daily Journal (and indeed all of the Daily Journal Corporation's California Newspapers and most of its other products) is now online. Part II of our review focuses on the News archive, current and archival DAR, and California case law (back to 1934) available at the site. |
"Prime Sites for Real Estate Law Practitioners Are Available Now" Real estate law touches almost all other areas of law. Fortunately for lawyers, the Internet is just as expansive and varied as real estate law. Whether an attorney is drafting a commercial lease, writing an environmental impact statement, suing a contractor in a construction defect case, evicting a tenant, or buying a home, the Internet is replete with useful sites. |
"Make an Impression, Stay on Topic with Presentation Software" Whether in trial, arbitrating, mediating, pitching potential clients, or speaking at a seminar, attorneys are always making a presentation, and visuals are often a central part of it. If visuals are used in court, they are most likely to be tangible items to be admitted into evidence, such as a document, an image, or a murder weapon. At a seminar, an attorney may use flip charts or overhead transparencies to reinforce and simplify the message. Some attorneys, however, have graduated to computer-generated visuals. |
"The Waiting is Over: The Los Angeles Daily Journal is on the Web" First of Three Parts
After 15 years of anticipation and demonstrations of online databases in beta-test, it has finally happened - The Los Angeles Daily Journal (and indeed all of the Daily Journal Corporation's California Newspapers and most of its other products) is now online. |
"Three Simple Steps to Maintain Computer Efficiency" In her November 2000 "Computer Counselor" column for Los Angeles Lawyer magazine, Levitt discusses simple diagnostic tests you can run on your own computer to "Keep Your Computer Running Right." This article is co-written with the PC Maestro, Elliott Stern, author of "Keep Your Computer Running Right." |
"Using the Internet to Stay Up-to-Date on High-tech Issues " In her October 2000 "Computer Counselor" column for Los Angeles Lawyer magazine, Levitt reviews a plethora of sources useful for keeping up with high tech clients. |
"More and More Legal Information Is Available Free on the Web" In her September 2000 "Computer Counselor" column for Los Angeles Lawyer magazine, Levitt examines the growing number of free case law research resources available on the Internet. |
"Digging for Clues About Public Companies" If you're looking for information on a public company, check out this step-by-step review of Company Sleuth -- a site that markets itself as "the Internet's top covert information specialist providing free, legal, inside information on publicly traded companies." |
A comparison of case law research capabilities of Lexis' new free service and FindLaw.com's free offerings. |
"Free High-Tech Tools from FindLaw.com" This article originally appeared in the Research Advisor, Issue 19, June 2000. Reprinted with permission. |
This side-by-side comparative overview originally appeared in Internet For Lawyers' free e-mail Internet legal reasearch newsletter. |
The Internet Lawyer Profile
of Internet For Lawyers President Carole Levitt, J.D., M.L.S. This article originally appeared in The Internet Lawyer Issue 6.05 - May 2000. Used with permission. Click here to request a free sample edition of The Internet Lawyer. Includes her Top 10 websites for conducting legal research on the Internet. |
"Lawyers Have a Variety of Options for Online MCLE Courses" side-by-side comparison of Califonia accredited MCLE offerings from the various providers This marks Ms. Levitt's first "Computer Counselor" column for the Los Angeles Lawyer magazine. Beginning with the June 2000 issue, she is the magazine's new monthly "Computer Counselor" columnist. |
Reprinted with permission from The Internet Lawyer Issue 6.02, February 2000 |
"How Public Are Public Records" a research guide to finding free public records on the Internet |
"From Due Diligence to Corporate Intelligence: How to Find Free Company Research Information on the Internet"
a research guide for conducting research on the Internet |
"How the Internet has Revolutionized Legal & Investigative Research" |
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