June/July 2006
- Internet For Lawyers Readers Can Attend Small Firm Business Forum for F R E E
- Internet For Lawyers Announces Kentucky & Minnesota Presentations
- New CD-ROM Discs Come With Built-In Encryption Protection
- Publisher Offers 22 Computer-Related Books as F R E E Downloads
- Internet For Lawyers Creates Tennessee Online MCLE Exercise
- More Tips
- Subscribe/Unsubscribe
- Advertising
- Redistribution
1. Internet For Lawyers Readers Can Attend Small Firm Business Forum for F R E E
Readers of this newsletter can attend the June 7 Small Firm Business Forum in Los Angeles for F R E E - a $375 value. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/sfb.htm
2. Internet For Lawyers Announces Kentucky & Minnesota Presentations
Carole Levitt & Mark Rosch will present a live Internet research strategy seminar in Louisville, while video replays are scheduled throughout Minnesota. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/2Q_06.htm
3. New CD-ROM Discs Come With Built-In Encryption Protection
Encryptease discs automatically encrypt data to protect sensitive information. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/encrypted_CDs.htm
4. Publisher Offers 22 Computer-Related Books as F R E E Downloads
22 step-by-step illustrated how-to books covering popular software are available from their publisher as free downloads. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/free_tech_books.htm
5. Internet For Lawyers Creates Tennessee Online MCLE Exercise
Carole Levitt has created an interactive online MCLE exercise for Tennessee lawyers in conjunction with TennBarU. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/tennessee_online_mcle.htm
Fun Gifts For Lawyers, Paralegals, Law Students & Judges |
6. Want more Internet Legal Research Tips??
Go to http://www.netforlawyers.com for additional articles, features and tips for conducting more effective legal, business & investigative research on the Internet.
7. How to subscribe/unsubscribe from this newsletter
To subscribe to this newsletter, visit http://www.netforlawyers.com/email_signup.htm.
8. Advertising Information
You can reach Internet For Lawyers' audience of thousands of professionals every month by advertising in our newsletter and web site.Contact our sales representatives at Legal Opt-In.
9. Redistribution of Information
We encourage you to freely distribute this INTERNET FOR LAWYERSnewsletter, as long as it bears the following attribution: Source: INTERNET FOR LAWYERS © 2006 http://www.netforlawyers.com While we welcome links to http://www.netforlawyers.com (or any of our articles or resources) republication of this or any Internet For Lawyers material on another website is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Internet For Lawyers. We do not encourage, condone or practice spamming in the distribution/re-distribution of this newsletter. Please only forward this message to individuals you know and whom you feel could benefit from its content.
Carole Levitt
Internet For Lawyers
P.O. Box 1065
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 559-2247
- CD-ROM Discs Come With Built-In Encryption Protection
- Internet For Lawyers Creates Online MCLE Course for Tennessee Attorneys
- Internet For Lawyers Readers Can Attend Small Firm Business Forum for FREE
- Internet For Lawyers Sets Additional Continuing Legal Education Seminars 2Q 2006
- Publisher of Computer Books Offers 22 Titles as Free Downloads
Read the latest strategies, tips and new resources available for integrating the Internet into your law practice in our newsletter.