Help Protect Sensitive Data
Ricoh and Kano Technologies recently announced the availability of Ricoh's EncryptEase recordable CD-ROM discs with built-in encryption capabilities. The EncryptEase discs function just like regular recordable CDs, but include software that allows users to encrypt and password-protect the data written to the disc, determine how that information can be copied from the disc, and to schedule expiration dates for the files on the disc. EncryptEase discs protects information from unauthorized parties, because the discs can only be decrypted and retrieved with the assigned password, making it an ideal solution for storing sensitive client data. They are multi-session CD-Rs that allow data to be added in up to 20 different sessions.
The EncryptEase discs come with sophisticated encryption software, including encoding/decoding, data compression, writing and copy-guard functions, pre-recorded on each disc. That leaves about 600MB of space for users to store and encrypt personal data and set a password to ensure data protection. To read the data on any Windows system, simply insert the disc in the CD-ROM drive, and the disc's protection software will launch and install a driver on that computer. All the user has to do then is enter the password to access your data. (Whoever recorded the encrypted data must also supply the password to whoever they give the disc to.) No additional software is needed. Because it is a multisession CD-R, EncryptEase allows users to add data and assign additional passwords up to 20 times or until the disc is full. Each encrypted data session is protected with a user-assigned unique password and can be independently accessed through the self-launching graphical interface.
These discs can be one solution for transporting sensitive client information from the home to the office computer, attorneys might also consider offering clients a secure, digital copy of their entire case file on CD at the conclusion of a matter.
Discs are available from Kano Technologies, Ricoh's master distributor for the technology, or Ricoh. Suggested retail price is $6.99 per disc.
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