Internet For Lawyers has created a new online MCLE course, in conjunction with the Tennessee State Bar Association. The text-based, interactive course, also titled Internet For Lawyers, focuses on free legislative Internet research in Tennessee. Attorneys read through fact patterns that lead them to Web sites where they can research answers to case scenarios based on real-world law practice situations.
"The goal of the course is to help attorneys learn not only what resources are available to them for free on the Internet, but also how to use those resources effectively," said Internet For Lawyers president Carole Levitt who developed the one hour MCLE credit course for the Tennessee Bar's TennBarU Web site.
Users will learn how to efficiently search the current Tennessee Code online as well as how to search for recently introduced bills, recently enacted legislation, or even older bills if you need to perform historical legislative research. In addition you will learn how to find and search municipal codes and where to find contact information for Tennessee state officials. After you learn about each web site, you will then get an opportunity to perform online searches using the following: the official Tennessee state government site, the Tennessee Code site, Lexis Law Publishing's Municipal Codes site, the Tennessee General Assembly site and the Tennessee Blue Book site.
Internet For Lawyers also offers interactive, text-based MCLE exercises on its own Web site for California, Arizona, New York and West Virginia lawyers, as well as archived video MCLE presentations through its partners Law.com and FastCLE (MCLE credit is also available for Georgia lawyers).
Internet For Lawyers also produces live, turn-key research seminars, on nearly two dozen topics, for:
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