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Google has added the ability to insert images in Google Docs Documents by dragging and dropping an image from your computer. Google Docs users could already add images to their documents using the "Insert" menu to select images from their hard drives, by URL, or via a Google Image search to include. (And this method continues to be available.) Currently, the feature works only with...
This morning, Google announced a major innovation to the way it processes queries and delivers results - Google Instant. Google Instant takes the auto-complete, predictive suggestions that automatically display under the Google search box as you type your keywords one step further. Google Instant not only displays those predictive suggestions for your search, it also displays a full list of...
Boomerang for Gmail is a third-party plug-in for the Firefox and Chrome Web browsers that lets you schedule when you send and receive email messages. The plug-in is still in beta and is only available via invitation - however, in our tests it works as described. It works with Gmail accounts and Google Apps for Domains Gmail email accounts. The plug-in is developed by Baydin Software...
Earlier this week Google announced an innovative new (automatic) filtering feature to its Gmail service to help users better organize their incoming messages and determine which should be read first - and which could wait. Named "Priority Inbox," Google described it as "a new view of your inbox that automatically helps you focus on your most important messages. Gmail has always...
One feature that Google does not offer in its Web search is the ability to create a well-defined proximity search. Unlike paid search products, we cannot indicate how close we want our keywords to be to one another in search results. While Google does offer the asterisk (*) to take the place of one (or more than one) word in a search (e.g., Mark * Rosch), we cannot indicate that we want...
This morning, Google announced that its Google Voice service is now available to anyone in the United States. Google Voice is Google’s free telephone service offering a wide range of calling and voicemail services. Its best-known feature is probably the ability to simultaneously forward incoming calls to multiple phone numbers, like a switchboard. You can configure your...
Since its launch more than a decade ago, Google has become synonymous with Internet search. But since 2004, as many lawyers know, Google has also been expanding its reach by offering free productivity applications and services like Gmail and Google Docs. And it continues to innovate with amazing regularity, launching different innovations not just to its search features, but also to its...
In what appears to be a tip of the hat (and a bit of one-upsmanship) to Bing's image-rich search page, Google has announced the ability personalize your default view of the Google search page with your own photo. While Bing has become known for the daily rotation of lush images (and the informative annotations that accompany them) on its homepage, users have no control over the selection of those...
Google has made it easier to keep up to date with topics, cases, patents, etc. searched via Google Scholar with the addition of e-mail alerts to the Scholar service. An envelope icon now appears at the top of each Scholar search results list. The Scholar Alerts feature functions similarly to the more-familiar Google Alerts (previously known as News Alerts) but with a few differences. Clicking...
At a live press event at its Mountain View, CA headquarters on the morning of February 9, 2010, Google announced its latest foray into Social Media - Google Buzz. Bradley Horowitz, Google's VP of Product Marketing opened the event by describing Google Buzz as "a Google approach to sharing." Google Buzz incorporates many features of popular social media sites like status updates (Twitter,...
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