In separate press releases, the West Group has announced agreements to add CLE materials from Practicising Law Institute (PLI) and American Lawyer Media (ALM) to
West's LegalEdCenter TM online CLE offerings.
The PLI and ALM offerings will be streaming video presentations taped during their respective live seminars. The ALM content will be based on seminars produced by the company's Law Journal SeminarsTM and LegalTechTM divisions.
West LegalEdcenter also indexes and tracks courses for users, files for CLE credits and sends e-mail alerts to customers when requested programming becomes available.
For additional online CLE see Internet For Lawyers' own low-cost online CLE quizzes.
Headquartered in Eagan, Minn., West Group is the a leading provider of e-information and solutions to the U.S. legal market.
PLI, a non-profit organization founded in 1933, is dedicated to providing the legal community with current information and techniques to help them develop a professional, competitive edge.
Headquartered in New York City, ALM is a leading integrated media company, focused on the legal industry. ALM currently owns and publishes 25 national and regional legal magazines and newspapers, including The American LawyerÆ and The National Law JournalÆ. ALM also provides online CLE content direclty through its Law.com portal.
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