Add exercises below to your cart, create your own bundle of any 4 hours or more, and save 25% with discount code 2015MCLE25.
Internet For Lawyers offers a package of all four required California Legal Ethics MCLE credits for only $60.
Select any four of the following exercise:
- Legal Ethics Considerations for Lawyers' Use of Cloud Computing Services
- American Bar Association's Formal Ethics Opinion 10-457 Covering Attorneys' Use of Web Sites to Market Their Practices
- Contacting Unrepresented Persons via Social Networking Sites - New York State Bar and Philadelphia Bar Ethics Opinions
- Contacting Unrepresented Persons via Social Networking Sites - New York City Bar Ethics Opinion
- The Ethical Case For Client Satisfaction
- How to Network Comfortably and Ethically
- Should You or Shouldn't You? Legal Advertising in California
- Ethics of Attorney Web Sites in California
- Adhering to the California State Bar Rules of Professional Conduct
- Ethical Requirements of Attorney Oversight & Supervision of Paralegal Staff in California
- Additional details
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Internet For Lawyers offers a package of both the required California Elimination of Bias and the Detection, Prevention & Treatment of Substance Abuse MCLE credits for only $40.
To earn the two hours of credit, complete the following exercises:
- California Lawyers' Assistance Program-Prevention, Detection & Treatment of Substance Abuse
and one of these two Elimination of Bias exercises
- Diversity Makes Cents: The Business Case for Diversity
- Pipeline Programs Enhance Diversity in the Legal Profession
- Additional details
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Add exercises below to your cart and create your own bundle.
Jump to Elimination of Bias and Substance Abuse programs. |
Add exercises below to your cart, create your own bundle of any 4 hours or more, and save 25% with discount code 2015MCLE25.
Internet For Lawyers offers a package of all of the "hard to get" MCLE credit hours required of California Attorneys - 4 hours of Legal Ethics, 1 hour of Elimination of Bias and 1 hour covering the Detection, Prevention & Treatment of Substance Abuse MCLE credits for only $100.
Select any four of the following exercise:
- Legal Ethics Considerations for Lawyers' Use of Cloud Computing Services
- American Bar Association's Formal Ethics Opinion 10-457 Covering Attorneys' Use of Web Sites to Market Their Practices
- Contacting Unrepresented Persons via Social Networking Sites - New York State Bar and Philadelphia Bar Ethics Opinions
- Contacting Unrepresented Persons via Social Networking Sites - New York City Bar Ethics Opinion
- The Ethical Case For Client Satisfaction
- How to Network Comfortably and Ethically
- Should You or Shouldn't You? Legal Advertising in California
- Ethics of Attorney Web Sites in California
- Adhering to the California State Bar Rules of Professional Conduct
- Ethical Requirements of Attorney Oversight & Supervision of Paralegal Staff in California
To earn the two hours of Bias and Substance Abuse credit, complete the following exercises:
- California Lawyers' Assistance Program-Prevention, Detection & Treatment of Substance Abuse
and one of these two Elimination of Bias exercises
- Diversity Makes Cents: The Business Case for Diversity
- Pipeline Programs Enhance Diversity in the Legal Profession
- Additional details
- Close This
Jump to Ethics programs. |
Add exercises below to your cart, create your own bundle of any 4 hours or more, and save 25% with discount code 2015MCLE25.
Internet For Lawyers offers a package price for the completion of any four hours of MCLE credit exercises offered on our Web site.
Complete any four hours of exercises listed on the following page:
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Jump to select programs. |
Add exercises below to your cart, create your own bundle of any 4 hours or more, and save 25% with discount code 2015MCLE25.
Internet For Lawyers offers a package price for the completion of any six hours of MCLE credit exercises offered on our Web site.
Complete any six hours of exercises listed on the following page:
- Additional details
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Jump to select programs. |
Add exercises below to your cart, create your own bundle of any 4 hours or more, and save 25% with discount code 2015MCLE25.
Internet For Lawyers offers a package price for the completion of any eight hours of MCLE credit exercises offered on our Web site.
Complete any eight hours of exercises listed on the following page:
- Additional details
- Completing all eight hours of these exercises could satisfy both portions of the California Paralegal MCLE requirement.
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(includes any Legal Ethics, Elimination of Bias, Substance Abuse, and General credits)
Internet For Lawyers offers a package price for the completion of any 13 hours of MCLE credit exercises offered on our Web site.
Complete any 13 hours of exercises listed on the following page:
- Additional details
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Add exercises below to your cart, create your own bundle of any 4 hours or more, and save 25% with discount code 2015MCLE25.
Jump to select programs. |
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The Ethical Case For Client Satisfaction (1 hour self-study credit)
The Ethical Case For Client Satisfaction (1 hour credit)
If you ask most attorneys whether their clients are satisfied, the vast majority would, of course, say "yes." If you then ask them "what makes you so sure?" the responses would typically range from "They don’t complain" and "They’re nice to me" to "They pay their bills" or "They continue to do business with us." A closer examination of these reasons, however, reveals that such client behavior hardly indicates satisfaction.
This exercise makes a business case for keeping cllients satisfied to avoid ethics complaints from dis-satisfied clients.
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Should You or Shouldn't You? Legal Advertising in California (1 hour self-study credit)
Should You or Shouldn't You? Legal Advertising in California (1 hour credit)
There are numerous ethical considerations one makes in the day to day practice of law. While some seem to follow simple common sense, others are a bit less clear.
This ten question quiz will help you learn where to easily find answers to your ethical questions utilizing free State Bar and academic resources on the Internet.
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Ethics of Attorney Web Sites in California (1 hour self-study credit)
Ethics of Attorney Web Sites in California (1 hour credit)
The Bar's standing Committee on Professional Responsibility & Conduct has issued a Formal Opinion addressing ethical issues related to attorneys announcing their services via Internet web sites.
Whether you already have your own web site or are just beginning to consider launching one, this ten question quiz will help you learn where to easily find answers to ethical questions regarding your web site.
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Adhering to the California State Bar Rules of Professional Conduct (1 hour self-study credit)
Adhering to the California State Bar Rules of Professional Conduct (1 hour credit)
The California State Bar's Rules of Professional Conduct lay out very specific guidelines to regulate the professional conduct of its members - through discipline. These rules have been adopted by the Board of Governors of the Bar and approved by the Supreme Court of California pursuant to Business & Professions Code Sections 6076 and 6077 to protect the public and to promote respect and confidence in the legal profession.
This quiz is designed to give you an overview of some of the highlights of these rules to keep in mind as you build your practice.
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Ethical Requirements of Attorney Oversight & Supervision of Paralegal Staff in California (1 hour self-study credit)
Ethical Requirements of Attorney Oversight & Supervision of Paralegal Staff in California (1 hour credit)
Recent changes to the California Rules of Professional Conduct spell out VERY specific requirements for minimum continuing legal education for Paralegals AND the responsibilities of Attorneys with whom they work.
This quiz is designed to give Paralegals AND Attorneys an overview of how these rules affect EACH of them.
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How to Network Comfortably and Ethically (1 hour SELF-STUDY credit)
Everyone knows that, much like diet and exercise, networking is good for you and that, similarly, there are lots of excuses for avoiding it. When coaching lawyers or conducting CLEs on business development, I hear a lot of resistance to incorporating networking as a means of building a book of business.
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Legal Ethics Considerations for Lawyers' Use of Cloud Computing Services (1 hour SELF-STUDY credit)
Legal Ethics Considerations for Lawyers' Use of Cloud Computing Services (1 hour credit)
Recent changes to the California Rules of Professional Conduct spell out VERY specific requirements for minimum continuing legal education for Paralegals AND the responsibilities of Attorneys with whom they work.
This quiz is designed to give Paralegals AND Attorneys an overview of how these rules affect EACH of them.
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American Bar Association's Formal Ethics Opinion 10-457 Covering Attorneys' Use of Web Sites to Market Their Practices (1 hour SELF-STUDY credit)
Contacting Unrepresented Persons via Social Networking Sites - New York State Bar and Philadelphia Bar Ethics Opinions (1 hour SELF-STUDY credit)
Contacting Unrepresented Persons via Social Networking Sites - New York City Bar Ethics Opinion (1 hour SELF-STUDY credit)
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Diversity Makes Cents: The Business Case for Diversity (1 hour SELF-STUDY credit)
Diversity Makes Cents: The Business Case for Diversity (1 hour credit)
The representation of women and minorities in major U.S. law firms, especially at the partnership level, remains abysmally low. The numbers indicate that relative to the overall population (half women; one-third minority) and that of the demographic makeup of law students, women and minorities continue to be under-represented among the partnership ranks at major law firms.
This article and quiz examine how maintaining a diverse workforce can be good for business.
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Pipeline Programs Enhance Diversity in the Legal Profession (1 hour SELF-STUDY credit)
Pipeline Programs Enhance Diversity in the Legal Profession (1 hour credit)
During the past three-four decades, achieving diversity in the legal profession has been the goal of many within, as well as outside, of the profession. If you google the terms “diversity” and “legal profession,” there are over a million and half results. Many of them describe the efforts of the American Bar Association (ABA), numerous state and local bar associations, law firms, corporate legal departments, law schools, court systems and others to increase the number of minority and women attorneys.
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California Lawyers' Assistance Program-Prevention, Detection & Treatment of Substance Abuse (1 hour self-study credit)
Prevention, Detection & Treatment of Substance Abuse (1 hour credit)
In 2001, California Senate Bill 479 established the State Bar's Lawyer's Assistance Program to help attorneys with substance abuse or mental health problems.
The bill's resolutions were codified in the Business & Professions Code Sections 6140.9 and 6230 - 6238.
This exercise features questions about features and benefits of the program. Answers to some of these questions can be found on the California State Bar's web page outlining the services available from the LPAP and some can be found in Business & Professions Code Sections 6140.9 and 6230 - 6238 .
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Free Federal Legislative Research Online-Searching the U.S. Code (2 hours self-study credit)
Free Federal Legislative Research (2 hours self-study credit)
There are three web sites that offer free access to searchable databases of the United States Code (U.S.C.).
Even though all use the same Code (prepared by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives), the House site is more up-to-date than the GPO or Cornell site (and also goes back further in time) often making the House’s web version of the Code the preferred choice. Being "more up to date," however, does not mean current as of today. The U.S. Code is published only every six years by The Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives and is then supplemented on a regular basis.
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Congress.gov: How to Search for Federal Bills, Laws, the Congressional Record, and Committee Reports (1 hour self-study credit)
Congress.gov: How to Search for Federal Bills, Laws, the Congressional Record, and Committee Reports (1 hour self-study credit)
Congress.gov is the Federal government’s most recent searchable database of federal legislative/congressional materials (other than the U.S. Code). Congress.gov includes public laws, bills, resolutions, hearings, congressional reports, and committee reports. This exercise will help you locate this information more efficiently.
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How to Search Congressional Legislative Material at the Library of Congress' Thomas and Government Printing Office's FDSys (1 hour self-study credit)
How to Search Congressional Legislative Material at the Library of Congress' Thomas and Government Printing Office's FDSys (2 hours self-study credit)
Searchable databases of legislative/congressional materials such as public laws, bills, resolutions, hearings, congressional reports, and committee reports can be found at two governmental sites: The Library of Congress’s Thomas site and FDsys.
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Currently being reviewed. |
From Due Diligence to Corporate Intelligence (2 hours self-study credit)
From Due Diligence to Corporate Intelligence (1 or 2 hours credit)
Say you're working on a big case, and you need as much information on the opposing company as possible. Or perhaps you're pitching a potential new client, and want to know everything about their business for your presentation. Maybe your client’s competition is developing a new product or you want to read all the news stories about some development that will affect your business or your clients’. Do you know how to get that information quickly online? And for free?
Clear explanations and hyperlinks to Internet research resources lead you on a search for a real-life answer to questions about a real-world companies.
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Finding Government Documents on the Internet (1 hour self-study credit)
Finding Government Documents on the Internet (1 hour self-study credit)
There are literally thousands of Federal, State, and local government agencies generating documents on innumerable topics important to lawyers in their practices.
The questions in this quiz, and the accompanying fact patterns, highlight three sources for this diverse and useful data, and feature hyperlinks and explanations of the sites' search functions to take you directly there so you can learn to dig up this information for yourself.
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How Public Are Public Records? (1 hour self-study credit)
How Public Are Public Records? (1 hour self-study credit)
The term "public record" has always been VERY misleading. Even though a record is "public" and available for public scrutiny in the strictest sense, in reality it may not be readily available. The availability of numerous public records online via the Internet has addressed some of the accessibililty issues, but just as it's always been in the "offline" world, access to free public records via the web is a hit or miss proposition.
Each question in this quiz, and the companion article, feature, an outline of the type of information included in each specific resource discussed, and a hyperlink to take you directly there so you can see for yourself.
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Conducting California Case Law
Research on the Internet for FREE (2 hours self-study credit)
Conducting California Case Law Research on the Internet for FREE (2 hours credit)
There are several web sites where state and federal cases can be searched full-text, free of any charge such as: (1) FindLaw; (2) The Public Library of Law (PLoL); and (3) Google Scholar. Dates of coverage and the number of courts made available vary between these three sites.
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Currently being updated. |
Finding Entertainment Law Resources Online: From Scholarship to Scandal (2 hours self-study credit)
Finding Entertainment Law Resources Online: From Scholarship to Scandal (2 hours credit)
Type “entertainment” into the Google search engine, and "about 162,000,000" results appear with E! Online topping the list. Type “entertainment law” into the Google search engine, and about 40,000,000 results are listed, with a Beverly Hills entertainment attorney's site listed first, and the Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal (COMM/ENT) not far behind. From the lowbrow to the highbrow, these searches offer an excellent summary of the range of online sources that entertainment attorneys use to stay informed.
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Currently being reviewed. |
Looking For Evidence in Virtual Places: Admissibility of Internet Evidence (1 hour SELF-STUDY credit)
Looking For Evidence in Virtual Places: Admissibility of Internet Evidence (1 hour SELF-STUDY credit)
Lawyers looking for evidence need to start thinking about looking Òvirtually.Ó With increasing amounts of "paperless" information being added to the Internet every minute of every day, there is an increasing chance lawyers could find potentially relevant evidence there. Evidence to prove or refute a point in contention, get the upper hand in a settlement conference, or decide whether to even take a clientÕs case, might be found in both the near and far reaches of the Internet.
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Online MCLE Update (1 hour SELF-STUDY credit)
Online MCLE Update: CLE To Go (1 hour SELF-STUDY credit)
If you are a Calaifornia attorney or paralegal, probably no day goes by in which you do not receive e-mail about online continuing legal education. As recently as 2000, however, you would not have received any, because the State Bar of California did not approve online continuing education courses until then. Since 2000, online continuing education offerings have evolved to meet increased demand.
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Currently being reviewed. |