As part of the California State Bar's MCLE requirements, Attorneys and Paralegals must certify that they have completed four hours of Legal Ethics MCLE credit every three years.
California Attorneys and Paralegals can satisfy all of their required LEgal Ethics MCLE credits by completing the following self-study MCLE quizzes.
Internet For Lawyers offers California Attorneys & Paralegals who wish to compete all of their Legal Ethics MCLE requirement online with us a package price of only $60.00 for all four hours. (This is a $20.00 savings over the regular price of $20.00 per hour.)
Additionally, you can also pay for each Legal Ethics MCLE quiz individually.
Click here to view the individual Legal Ethics MCLE quizzes.
Payment By Credit Card Click Here to Claim Your $60.00 Ethics Compliance Special Once your credit card payment is processed, you will only need to fill in the full contact information on the first quiz you submit. Subsequent quizzes will only require your name and bar number. |
Payment By Check To claim this special pricing and pay by check, print a copy of the "MCLE Submission" form that appears on your screen after you click the "Submit Quiz Answers" button at the end of each quiz. Mail a copy of all four "MCLE Submission" forms and your $60.00 check made payable to "Internet For Lawyers" to 7820 Enchanted Hills, Dr.. Suite A-215, Rio Rancho, NM 87144. |
Contact Internet For Lawyers at seminars@netforlawyers.com or 310/559-1632 to arrange an in-person training seminar for yourself, practice group, law firm or professional organization - or view our online calendar for upcoming scheduled live MCLE events.
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