April/May 2002
- LexisNexis Redesigns LexisONE.com
- BBC Launches Commercial/Porn-Free Search Engine
- Google Adds Current News Search
- Universities Help Unlock Hidden Web Resources
- Oxford Launches Online Library
- Court Approves Service of Process Via E-Mail
- Information Brokers Settle FTC 'Pretext' Charges
- University Launches Digital Evidence Journal
- Site Offers Online Dictionary of Internet Terms
- Four States Adopt New Technology to Recover Delinquent Taxes
- More Tips
- Subscribe/Unsubscribe
- Advertising
- Redistribution
1. LexisNexis Redesigns LexisONE.com
The free legal portal LexisONE has been redesigned to make features easier to use and fees easier to determine. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/lexisone_redesign.htm
2. BBC Launches Commercial/Porn-Free Search Engine
The British Broadcasting Company has launched a new web search engine. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/bbci.htm
3. Google Adds News Search
The web's premiere search engine has added enhanced news searching capabilities. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/google_news.htm
4. Universities Help Unlock Hidden Web Resources
The Universities of Illinois & Michigan are working on technology to make more online digital resources available to web searchers. For more information see: http://www.netforlawyers.com/oaister.htm Legal Management magazine (the Journal of the Association of Legal Administrators said: "Users can easily find the web sites they're looking for ... in the guide's comprehensive index." Get your own copy of the book that Dan Harmon, Editor of the West Group's The Lawyer's PC "Definitely recommended for the legal researcher's bookshelf."
5. Oxford Launches Online Library
England's Oxford University has launched the first phase of, what it describes as, possibly the "biggest general knowledge resource on the web." See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/oxford.htm
6. Court Approves Service of Process Via E-Mail
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has held that lawyers can serve legal documents via e-mail under certain conditions. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/email_service.htm
7. Information Brokers Settle FTC 'Pretext' Charges
Three information brokers, who allegedly used "pretexting" to fraudulently obtain confidential financial information, have agreed to settle charges filed by the FTC. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/ftc_sting.htm
8. University Launches Digital Evidence Journal
Utica College launches online journal of digital evidence. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/forensic_journal.htm
9. Site Offers Online Dictionary of Internet Terms
NetLingo offers definitions to hundreds of technology terms and Internet jargon. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/netlingo.htm
10. Four States Use Adopt Technology to Recover Delinquent Taxes
California, Hawaii, Kansas & Virginia have adopted advanced software to track down delinquent taxpayers. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/late_tax.htm
11. Want more Internet Legal Research Tips??
Go to http://www.netforlawyers.com for additional articles, features and tips for conducting more effective legal, business & investigative research on the Internet.
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13. Advertising Information
For more information on advertising in the INTERNET FOR LAWYERS Newsletter, books, at our live seminars or on our web site, contact us at advertising@netforlawyers.com.
14. Redistribution of Information
We encourage you to freely distribute this INTERNET FOR LAWYERS newsletter, as long as it bears the following attribution: Source: INTERNET FOR LAWYERS (c) 2002 http://www.netforlawyers.com While we welcome links to http://www.netforlawyers.com (or any of our articles or resources) republication of this or any Internet For Lawyers material on another website is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Internet For Lawyers. We do not encourage, condone or practice spamming in the distribution/re-distribution of this newsletter. Please only forward this message to individuals you know and whom you feel could benefit from its content.
Carole Levitt
Internet For Lawyers
(310) 559-2247
- 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Approves Service by E-Mail In Certain Situations
- BBC Launches New Ad/Porn-Free Web Search
- Four States Adopt New Technology to Recover Delinquent Taxes
- Google Enhances News Search
- LexisNexis Redesigns LexisONE
- LexisNexis Redesigns LexisONE.com - 2002
- NetLingo Offers Dictionary of Internet & Technology Terms
- New Journal of Digital Evidence Launches Online
- Oxford University Launches 'Oxford Reference Online' Library
- Three Information Brokers Settle FTC 'Pretext' Charges
- Universities of Illinois & Michigan Developing Technology to Unlock Hidden Online Resources
Read the latest strategies, tips and new resources available for integrating the Internet into your law practice in our newsletter.