- CarFax.com Adds Stolen Vehicle Information
- West Goes Wireless
- AltaVista Adds Current News Headlines to Search Results
- Watchdog Group Posts 50 Years of Internal Chemical Industry Documents
- How Fast is Your Internet Connection
- Online Legal Job Hunters Have A Wealth of Options
- Court Mulls Availability of Records Online
- Company Sleuth To Charge for "Stake-Out" Reports
- Arizona's 'Jail-Cam' Makes EarthCam.com's '25 Most Interesting' List
- Yahoo Ends Free Access to Real Time Stock Quotes
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1. CarFax.com Adds Stolen Vehicle Information
CarFax.com, the Fairfax, VA-based provider of vehicle title histories online announced that it has added stolen vehicle information to its database. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/stolen_vehicle_information.htm NEW EDITION OF "HOW TO USE THE INTERNET FOR LEGAL, BUSINESS & INVESTIGATIVE RESEARCH: A GUIDE FOR LEGAL PROFESSIONALS" NOW AVAILABLE The Fourth Edition of Carole Levitt's popular Internet legal reference manual "How to Use The Internet for Legal, Business & Investigative Research: A Guide for Legal Professionals" is now available. This newly revised book is a guide to FREE federal state and local Internet resources. The current edition has been updated to include detailed information on new resources such as LexisONE.com and DailyJournal.com. The guide's extensive index of nearly 1100 entries makes information easy to find. Despite the additions and expansion of the book's coverage, the price remains the same as previous editions at only $34.95. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/prod01.htm
2. West Goes Wireless
West Group announced that it will offer Westlaw's legal research tools to wireless internet users via the OmniSky service. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/west_wireless.htm
3. AltaVista Adds News Headlines to Search Results
AltaVista has partnered with news search engine Moreover to integrate current news articles in returned AltaVista search results. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/altavista_moreover.htm
4. Watchdog Group Posts 50 Years of Internal Chemical Industry Documents
The Enviromental Working Group, a self-described "watchdog group," has posted more than 35,000 pages of internal chemical industry documents covering the last 50 years. For more see http://www.netforlawyers.com/chemical_records.htm
5. How Fast is Your Internet Connection
C|net offers to test the speed of your connection to the internet, visit C|net.com. http://www.cnet.com/internetservices/g/bm/msn/0001.html
6. Online Legal Job Hunters Have A Wealth of Options
Anybody who has watched the Super Bowl the last few years has seen commercials for Internet employment sites (such as Monster and Hot Jobs), but there are numerous employment sites that cater specifically to the legal market. In her "Los Angeles Lawyer," "Computer Counselor" column, Carole Levitt examines more than a dozen options available to legal job hunters and recruiters. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/lacba_articles.htm
7. Courts Mull Availability of Records Online
A subcommittee of the Judicial Conference of the United States is considering the security and privacy implications of the availability of court case files on the Internet. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/court_records_online.htm
8. Company Sleuth To Charge for "Stake-Out" Reports
Company Sleuth has informed subscribers that it will begin charging for "premium services" such as "Stake-Out Reports" in early May. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/company_sleuth.htm
9. Arizona's 'Jail-Cam' Makes EarthCam.com's '25 Most Interesting' List
Fueling the debate surrounding law enforcement agencies posting arrestee information on the Internet, the Maricopa County Sheriff's "Jail Cam" was voted one of the "25 Most Interesting Webcams" by visitors to the Earthcam.com Network. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/jail_cam.htm.
10. Yahoo Ends Free Access to Real Time Stock Quotes
Yahoo, which launched its free real-time stock quote service in September of last year, announced it will now be charging for the service. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/yahoo_stock_quotes.htm
11. Want more Internet Legal Research Tips??
Go to http://www.netforlawyers.com for additional articles, features and tips for conducting more effective legal, business & investigative research on the Internet.
12. How to subscribe/unsubscribe from this newsletter
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13. Advertising Information
For more information on advertising in the INTERNET FOR LAWYERS Newsletter, books, at our live seminars or on our web site, contact us at advertising@netforlawyers.com.
14. Redistribution of Information
We encourage you to freely distribute this INTERNET FOR LAWYERS newsletter, as long as it bears the following attribution: Source: INTERNET FOR LAWYERS (c) 2001 http://www.netforlawyers.com While we welcome links to http://www.netforlawyers.com (or any of our articles or resources) republication of this or any Internet For Lawyers material on another website is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Internet For Lawyers. We do not encourage, condone or practice spamming in the distribution/re-distribution of this newsletter. Please only forward this message to individuals you know and whom you feel could benefit from its content.
Carole Levitt
Internet For Lawyers
(310) 559-2247
- Watchdog Group Posts 50 Years of Internal Chemical industry Documents
- AltaVista Adds New Features
- Arizona's 'Jail Cam' Makes EarthCam.com's list of '25 Most Interesting' Sites
- CarFax.com Adds Stolen Vehicle Information to its Report Database
- Company Sleuth Informs Registered Users it Will Begin Charging For Reports
- Judicial Conference of the United States Considers Continued Availability of Court Records Online
- West Group Offers Westlaw Legal Research Tools to Wireless Users Via the OmniSky Service
- Yahoo to Charge For Real-Time Stock Quotes
Read the latest strategies, tips and new resources available for integrating the Internet into your law practice in our newsletter.