Google Scholar
  • For those who like to conduct a quick Google Scholar search for case law or articles, you can add a Scholar Button to the Firefox and/or Chrome browsers’ bar. This allows you to launch the Google Scholar search box right from your browser bar without typing the URL. After the Google Scholar button is installed, click the button that is now located on your browser bar (see next image)....

  • blockquote { display: block; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 40px; margin-right: 40px; } Recently, Internet For Lawyers principals Carole Levitt and Mark Rosch shared some of their favorite secret Google search tips and ways to access expensive research databases for free with Sam Glover over at the Lawyerist Podcast. In his introduction to the interview,...

  • The full text of ProQuest's database, which includes journal and newspaper articles and working papers, is now indexed in Google Scholar. This allows Google Scholar users to view abstracts of ProQuest's materials for free in their Google Scholar results and then to access the full-text of ProQuest's materials for free, if their public library has a subscription to ProQuest. In a...

  • Last year, to review the current state of citator services, we wrote a white paper comparing the citator services of Google Scholar, Fastcase, Casemaker, LexisNexis, WestlawNext, and Bloomberg. As much as we like our free access to Casemaker and Fastcase, we’ve always hoped that Casemaker and Fastcase would add a more robust, free citator (equal to Shepard’s, BCite, and KeyCite). But...

  • California Lawyers and Paralegals can earn two hours of self-study MCLE credit online after reading this article and completing the quiz found at this link. FindLaw and Google Scholar offer free California state and Ninth Circuit federal case law databases (in addition to free case law databases to all other states, circuits, and the U.S. Supreme Court). For California-only free case law...

  • Google has redesigned its search interface yet again - and not for the better. A little over two years ago, in an effort to unify the design of all of its products, Google added a standardized black bar across the top of all of those products. In that black bar (in easily ignored grey text) were links to some of Google’s most popular products and specialized databases. The goal was to give...

  • Today Fastcase announced a free enhancement to their case law identification algorithm that identifies overturned or reversed cases in its Authority Check system. Called "Bad Law Bot," the system uses "new algorithms to identify court cases that are cited with negative treatment and to alert researchers of a case’s negative citation history," according to the company...

  • During our live continuing legal education seminars we discuss how to use the information found in social media profiles for evidence and how to get profiles admitted into evidence. If a profile owner assumes a pseudonym, authenticating the owner of the profile has proven to be a challenge. Some courts admit the profile into evidence and some do not. For that reason, we’ve been following...

  • Google has updated the function of its Advanced Search forms to recognize multiple phrases entered into the form's "Find Pages with...the exact words or phrase" box. To search for multiple phrases using the Advanced Search form you must enclose each of the phrases in its own set of quotation marks. Previously, anything entered into this box was treated as a single phrase, even if...

  • Google appears to be testing out a redesign to its Google Scholar interface that integrates the service’s Advanced Search page into a drop-down menu to the right of the search box. Google labels it “our new modern look,” while we label it a major hindrance to those using Google Scholar to conduct case law research. It’s a hindrance for two reasons: it’s hidden (...

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