  •     Congratulations on selecting one of our individual online continuing legal education exercises or one of our 4-, 6-, or 13-hour Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) compliance packages. Note that these Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) exercises qualify for Self-study California MCLE credit. In January 2019, we moved our text-based MCLE exercises to a new...

  • Internet For Lawyers offers the following online SELF-STUDY MCLE quizzes for California Attorneys and Paralegals seeking to fulfill their "General" or "Law Practice Management" minimum continuing legal education requirement. How to Research the U.S. Code Online Locating Government Documents on the Internet Corporate Research Public Records Free California Internet Legal Research: Cases, Dockets,...

  • California Attorneys and Paralegals can earn one hour of Self-Study California MCLE credit online by reading this article and completing this associated continuing legal education quiz. Share this article:           The term "public record" has always been VERY misleading. Even though a record is "public" and available for public...

  • by Roy Ginsburg, J.D. If you ask most attorneys whether their clients are satisfied, the vast majority would, of course, say "yes." If you then ask them "what makes you so sure?" the responses would typically range from "They don’t complain" and "They’re nice to me" to "They pay their bills" or "They continue to do business with...

  • Diversity Makes Cents The Business Case for Diversity by Roy Ginsburg, J.D. The representation of women and minorities in major U.S. law firms, especially at the partnership level, remains abysmally low. The numbers indicate that relative to the overall population (half women; one-third minority) and that of the demographic makeup of law students, women...

  • As part of the California State Bar's MCLE requirements, Attorneys and Paralegals must certify that they have completed four hours of Legal Ethics MCLE credit every three years. California Attorneys and Paralegals can satisfy all of their required LEgal Ethics MCLE credits by completing the following self-study MCLE quizzes. Internet For Lawyers offers California Attorneys & Paralegals who...

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