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INTERNET FOR LAWYERS - INTERNET LEGAL RESEARCH UPDATE BY CAROLE LEVITT J.D., M.L.S. November 2000 CONTENTS Personal Marketing Plan Workshop offered by the Los Angeles County Bar Association Law Practice Management Section on Friday, Nov. 10 from 9 a.m.- Noon in West Los Angeles. LLRX.com offers a free database of links to ALL court rules, dockets and court forms that exist free on the Internet...
INTERNET FOR LAWYERS - INTERNET LEGAL RESEARCH UPDATE BY CAROLE LEVITT J.D., M.L.S. October 2000 CONTENTS Privacy? What Privacy? Personal Financial Data Available For a Price. To combat the above, read Senator Orrin Hatch's U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Report-“Privacy in the Digital Age: A Resource for Internet Users”. Want Your Practice To Explode? Don't let Your Marketing...
INTERNET FOR LAWYERS - INTERNET LEGAL RESEARCH UPDATE BY CAROLE LEVITT J.D., M.L.S. September 2000 CONTENTS Comparing the new, free, key-word full-text case law research sites offered by LexisONE and FindLaw.com. FindLaw trumps LexisONE in California by going back to 1934, but... Internet For Lawyers MCLE programs to be offered in the following California locations: Century City, Pasadena,...
INTERNET FOR LAWYERS - INTERNET LEGAL RESEARCH UPDATE BY CAROLE LEVITT J.D., M.L.S. August 2000 CONTENTS LexisONE-FREE FULL-TEXT, KEY WORD case researchand free forms from Lexis Internet For LawyersMCLE programs to be offered in the following California locations: Century City, Pasadena,Mid-Wilshire and San Bernardino (and outside California--Chattanooga, TN.) Non-lawyers are alsowelcome. Need...
INTERNET FOR LAWYERS - INTERNET LEGAL RESEARCH UPDATE BY CAROLE LEVITT J.D., M.L.S. June/July 2000 CONTENTS In her first outing as the Los Angeles Lawyer’s "Computer Counselor" columnist, INTERNET FOR LAWYERS President Carole Levitt gives California attorneys good news: they can earn ALL their MCLE credits over the Internet PC World Reviews new release of Time Slips software Law.com...
INTERNET FOR LAWYERS - INTERNET LEGAL RESEARCH UPDATE BY CAROLE LEVITT J.D., M.L.S. FEBRUARY 2000 CONTENTS Los Angeles MCLE Internet Legal Research Seminar "How Public Are Public Records?" - a guide to finding free public records on the Internet "Attend Law School Online" - a profile of the world's first cyber-law school More Tips Subscribe/Unsubscribe Advertising Redistribution 1. Los...
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