September 2000
- Comparing the new, free, key-word full-text case law research sites offered by LexisONE and FindLaw.com. FindLaw trumps LexisONE in California by going back to 1934, but...
- Internet For Lawyers MCLE programs to be offered in the following California locations: Century City, Pasadena, Mid-Wilshire and San Bernardino (and outside California--Chattanooga, TN).
- Free federal and California state case law research and docket web sites and free or low cost brief retrieval web sites article written by Los Angeles Lawyer magazine’s "Computer Counselor" columnist, Carole Levitt (President INTERNET FOR LAWYERS), in its September issue.
- Northern District of California offers interactive court forms, free. Will other California courts follow suit?
- If you're looking for information on a public company, check out the step-by-step review of Company Sleuth Carole Levitt wrote for LLRX.com.
- SEC to shut down Edgar for upgrade.
- LegalWorks 2000 Conference-Los Angeles–Schedule Change: Carole Levitt to speak at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 24 (instead of 3:45 p.m.) "CyberSleuthing on the Web: Finding Non-Law Resources".
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1. Comparing the new, free, key-word full-text case law research sites offered by LexisONE and FindLaw.com. FindLaw trumps LexisONE in California by going back to 1934, but...
In our last issue, we touted LexisOne for its free key-word full-text case law research site that debuted on July 6, offering state case law (all states) back to 1996. Although FindLaw had been offering state case law back to 1996 for some time, they had not offered full key-word text searching (only party name, docket and cite--which sure beat the court’s offering at the time). Then, on August 21, FindLaw, with partner AccessLaw, trumped LexisOne in the California state case law arena for date coverage by offering a free key-word full-text case law research site dating back to 1934 (covering the 2d, 3d and 4th series of California Reports and California Appellate Reports). How do the two sites compare? See < span style="font-family: Verdana;">http://www.netforlawyers.com/article_lexis_one_v_findlaw. htm for the details.
2. Internet For Lawyers MCLE programs to be offered in California and Tennessee
Internet For Lawyers 2 hour MCLE programs will be offered in the following Southern California locations: Century City (Oct. 4 and 17 and Nov. 14), Pasadena (Sept. 26) and Mid-Wilshire (Nov. 8). A three-hour program will be held in Chattanooga, TN on Oct. 26. For details on these introductory and intermediate programs, see http://www.netforlawyers.com/index.htm#fall or e-mail seminars@netforlawyers.com. Some programs include a catered dinner and an 85 page book, "How to Use the Internet for Legal, Business & Investigative Research: A Guide for Legal Professionals". The book alone normally sells for $34.95. Topics to be covered range from: legal research, business research, investigative research, meta-sites, and search strategies, to Federal, State and Local Government resources. INTERNET FOR LAWYERS is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider.
3. Free federal and California state case law research and docket web sites? Free or low cost brief retrieval web sites? Read about these sites in article written by Los Angeles Lawyer magazine’s "Computer Counselor" columnist, Carole Levitt (President INTERNET FOR LAWYERS), in its September issue.
Read "More and More Legal Information Is Available Free on the Web" at http://www.netforlawyers.com/index.htm#column< /a> to learn about the latest free, key-word searchable case law web sites for California and federal courts, free docket searching at the California Appellate and Trial Court sites and free U.S. Supreme Court briefs.
4. Northern District of California offers interactive court forms, free. Will other California courts follow suit?
The Northern District of the California Federal Court offers free court forms at its site that can be filled in interactively (using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software) at < span style="font-family: Verdana;">http://www.cand.uscourts.gov/cand/courtinfo.nsf/Forms? OpenView.
5. If you're looking for information on a public company, check out the step-by-step review of Company Sleuth written for LLRX.com
Company Sleuth is a web site that markets itself as "the Internet's top covert information specialist providing free, legal, inside information on publicly traded companies." Read about this fantastic research time-saver and company-tracking site written by Carole Levitt for LLRX.com. See http://www,netforlawyers.com/index.htm#sleuth< /a> and click on the second article listed, "Digging For Clues about Public Companies".
6. SEC to shut down Edgar for upgrade on Nov. 24, 2000.
On Nov. 24, the SEC will be taking its database of SEC filings down for a major upgrade to the internal portion of the EDGAR system, completing EDGAR's transition to the Internet. See http://www.sec.gov/news/edgarsd.htm for detailed information about the shutdown (such as how to submit filings due on Nov. 24th).
7. LegalWorks 2000 Conference-Los Angeles–Schedule Change: Carole Levitt to speak at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 24 (instead of 3:45 p.m.) "CyberSleuthing on the Web: Finding Non-Law Resources"
The Daily Journal/Glasser LegalWorks Conference, to be held in Los Angeles (at the Century City Plaza Hotel), from Oct. 23-24, 2000 features Carole Levitt as a speaker at "CyberSleuthing on the Web: Finding Non-Law Resources. When? Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 2:00p.m. To register online, see http://www.legalwks.com .
8. More Internet Legal Research Tips
Go to http://www.netforlawyers.com for additional articles, features and tips to conducting more effective legal, business & investigative research on the Internet.
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