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The Lawyer’s Guide to Fact Finding on the Internet

(by Carole Levitt, J.D., M.L.S. & Mark E. Rosch; American Bar Association, 2004)

This may be the most user-friendly Internet research book available for legal professionals today! You'll find:

  • Over 600 pages of information, containing more categories than the last edition, more pages, completely updated URLs, and much more
  • Over 100 screen shots of the specific Web sites discussed
  • An easy-to-use topical structure, organized the way lawyers think, starting with the best sites first
  • An icon system to immediately identify free sites, free-with-registration sites, and pay sites
  • Practical tips and advice on using specific sites, alerting readers to quirks or hard-to-find information


Included with the book is a valuable CD-ROM that includes the links to all of the sites discussed in the book, indexed, so you can easily navigate to these cream-of-the-crop Web sites without typing URLs into your browser! Also provided are helpful checklists, including a Source Credibility Checklist.

$39.95 Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

How to Use the Internet for Legal & Investigative Research

(by Carole Levitt, J.D., M.L.S & Mark E. Rosch; IFL Press, 2005)

The all new expanded 7th edition (revised) features the best federal legal research resources, as well as comprehensive information for locating state & local resources

for all 50 states. This new edition also includes detailed reviews of the newest free legal research resources on the Internet such as It also includes extensive recommendations for investigative and people finder resources all available for free on the Internet, as well as discussing fee- based resources such as Accurint and ChoicePoint.




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