Training Options
Internet For Lawyers works with Bar Associations and other legal organizations to offer live, in-person Continuing Legal Education presentations around the country.
Every month the Internet For Lawyers' free newsletter delivers Internet legal research and marketing information to your e-mail inbox, as well as updates to our calendar of upcoming seminars and events.
Online MCLE
We have created an e-learning division to deliver law practice management, technology, and legal ethics continuing legal education webinars. These MCLE webinars feature the highest caliber presenters, all experts on their topics, many of whom have authored the definitive treatises on those topics.
MCLE credit for these webinars is currently available in the following jurisdictions:
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | Florida | California | Kansas | Maine | Missouri | Mississippi | Nebraska | New Jersey | New York | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Tennessee | Utah | West Virginia | Wyoming
California, New York and Arizona attorneys also have the option of earning MCLE credit through the online quizzes we offer here on our web site. California Attorneys and Paralegals can earn SELF-STUDY MCLE credits with these quizzes.
Internet For Lawyers can customize any of its seminars for your law firm, practice group or professional association. These seminars can be held in your conference room at a time that is convenient for the members of your firm.
A Sampling of In-House Continuing Legal Education Course Topics Offered
- Why I (Almost) Never Use Search Engines - An Introduction to the Top Ten FREE Legal Portals on the Internet
- Conducting FREE Company Research & Due Diligence on the Internet
- 'No Thanks, I'm Just Browsing' - A Non-Technical Introduction to Your Web Browser
- 'California Here I Come' - Free Executive, Judicial and Legislative Government in the Cyber-Golden State
- Using the Internet to Enhance your Family Law Practice
- How to Find (Just About) Anything on Anybody FREE on the Internet
- Building a Case for Using the Internet in Your Construction Law Practice
- How the Internet Can Benefit Your Litigation Practice
- More Bang for Your Tech Buck - Free Internet Resources That Can Help You Compete with Big Firm Technology Budgets
- Effective Presentations with Power Point - An Attorney's Introduction
- 'What Do You Mean Westlaw's Not Free Anymore?' - Internet Legal Research Training for First Year Associates
- 'We Haven't Covered That Yet' - Internet Legal Research Training for the Summer Associate
Read the latest strategies, tips and new resources available for integrating the Internet into your law practice in our newsletter.