May/June 2003
An HTML version of this newsletter is also available at http://www.netforlawyers.com/legal_research_news_06-03.htm
- June-Chicago, Urbana (IL), Woodland Hills (CA)
- July-San Francisco
- August-San Francisco
- Sept.-Anchorage, Anaheim
- Nov.-Atlanta
- http://www.netforlawyers.com/seminars-events.htm
- Internet For Lawyers Announces Illinois & California MCLE Programs
- Georgia Launches Parolee Database
- U.S. Government Funds Cyber-Security Scholarships
- A Little Something Extra (Online) For Your Law Practice (Extranets-Part II)
- Company Offers Free Extranet Product
- Launch of Massachusetts Sex Offender Database Delayed
- Keeping Your Website Content Up-to-Date
- More Tips
- Subscribe/Unsubscribe
- Advertising
- Redistribution
1. Internet For Lawyers Announces Illinois & California MCLE Programs
Internet For Lawyers will present more than a half-dozen seminars in June & July. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/summer_03.htm
2. Georgia Launches Parolee Database
Georgia has launched a searchable database including address information on more than 22,000 parolees in the state. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/ga_parole.htm
3. U.S. Government Funds Cyber-Security Scholarships
The National Science Foundation has funded scholarships at 13 universities for students studying a cyber-security curriculum. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/cyber_corps.htm
4. A Little Something Extra (Online) For Your Law Practice (Extranets-Part II)
Law practices of any size can benefit from an extranet to keep clients and co-counsel informed. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/legal_extranets_2.htm Get your own copy of the book that Dan Harmon, Editor ofthe West Group's The Lawyer's PC "Definitely recommended for the legal researcher's bookshelf."
5. Company Offers Free Extranet Product
One Massachusetts vendor offers a free product to develop your own extranet. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/mindbridge.htm
6. Launch of Massachusetts S e x Offender Database Delayed
A Massachusetts judge's injunction delays the launch of an Internet- accessible database of s e x offenders in that state. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/mass_sor.htm
Find out how the American Bar Association's "Attorney & Law Firm Guide to Practicing Law" by Ed Poll can help you:
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7. Keeping Your Website Content Up-to-Date
Fresh content on your website can help bring more potential clients to your site. This article offers numerous suggestions for locating and creating interesting and useful material. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/lacba_web_content_article.htm
8. Want more Internet Legal Research Tips??
Go to http://www.netforlawyers.com for additional articles, features and tips for conducting more effective legal, business & investigative research on the Internet.
9. How to subscribe/unsubscribe from this newsletter
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10. Advertising Information
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11. Redistribution of Information
We encourage you to freely distribute this INTERNET FOR LAWYERSnewsletter, as long as it bears the following attribution: Source: INTERNET FOR LAWYERS © 2003 http://www.netforlawyers.com While we welcome links to http://www.netforlawyers.com (or any of our articles or resources) republication of this or any Internet For Lawyers material on another website is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Internet For Lawyers. We do not encourage, condone or practice spamming in the distribution/re-distribution of this newsletter. Please only forward this message to individuals you know and whom you feel could benefit from its content.
Carole Levitt
Internet For Lawyers
(310) 559-2247
Read the latest strategies, tips and new resources available for integrating the Internet into your law practice in our newsletter.