Internet For Lawyers Sets Continuing Legal Education Seminars
Internet For Lawyers has set the following slate of live and video Continuing Legal Education seminars in Texas; Wisconsin; Washington, DC and Southern California during Summer 2008.
These seminars are specifically designed to benefit all legal professionals, including lawyers, paralegals, law office administrators and other support staff.
Scheduled seminars include:
July 2008
- July 8- The Cybersleuth's Guide To The Internet; Texas Institute for Continuing Legal Education; Dallas, TX
- July 23 - The Cybersleuth's Guide To The Internet; Wisconsin State Bar Association; Milwaukee, WI
- July 25 - The Cybersleuth's Guide To The Internet; Wisconsin State Bar Association; Madison, WI
August 2008
- August 13 - The Cybersleuth's Guide To Investigative Research; DC Bar Association; Washington, DC
- August 16 - The Cybersleuth's Guide To Free Internet Research; UCLA Extension; Los Angeles, CA
Internet For Lawyers also produces turn-key research seminars, on nearly two dozen topics, for:
Law Firms | In-House Legal Departments | Bar Associations |
Investigators | Insurance Companies | Libraries |
For more information on available seminar topics, click here for our list of customizable, in-house continuing legal education topics.
For more information on these and other upcoming seminars, see our calendar of upcoming continuing legal education seminars.
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