Internet For Lawyers has set the following a slate of live and video replay Continuing Legal Education seminars in Alaska, California, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, and Washington, throughout the remainder of the year. These seminars are specifically designed to benefit all legal professionals, including lawyers, paralegals, law office administrators and other support staff. Scheduled seminars include:
October 2006
- October 5 - Cybersleuth's Guide to the Internet; California State Bar Association, Annual Meeting; Monterey
- October 10- Advanced Legal Research on the Internet: Case Studies; Alaska Bar Association; Anchorage
- October 10- Hot Internet Topics You Need to Know!; Alaska Bar Association; Anchorage
- October 11- Internet Research Strategies for Legal Professionals; King County Bar Association; Seattle, WA
- October 20- Becoming A Cyber-Sleuth: Using the Internet for Investigative Research; Akron Bar Association; Akron, OH
- October 24- Tech Tools, Tips and Terms For Lawyers - From A To Z; Dayton Inns of Court; Dayton, OH
- October 25- The Cybersleuth's Guide To The Internet; Dayton Bar Association; Dayton, OH
- October 27- CyberSleuth Strategies for Internet Legal Research; Cincinnati Bar Association; Cincinnati, OH
November 2006
- November 7- The Internet as Risk Management Tool: Competitive Intelligence & Investigative Research; Pilot Legis (Private Seminar); Las Vegas, NV
December 2006
- December 2- The Lawyers Guide to the Internet for Substantive Legal Research; UCLA Extension; Los Angeles, CA (Westwood)
- December 6- The Cybersleuth's Guide To The Internet; New Mexico State Bar Association; Albuquerque, NM
- December 7- Introduction To The Internet; Alegria (Private Seminar); Albuquerque, NM
- December 7- Cybersleuthing OnThe Internet; Alegria (Private Seminar); Albuquerque, NM
- December 13- The Cybersleuth's Guide To Investigative Research; New York City Bar Association; New York
- December 13- The "Power" of Powerpoint:How Presentation Software Will Make Your Arguments More Effective; New York City Bar Association; New York
- December 14- The Cybersleuth's Guide To The Internet; Freshfields (Private Seminar); New York
- December 20- Super Search Strategies for the Legal Professional; Nevada State Bar Association; Reno, NV
- December 20- Become a Cyber-Sleuth: Using the Internet for Investigative Research; Nevada State Bar Association; Reno, NV
- December 21- Super Search Strategies for the Legal Professional; Nevada State Bar Association; Las Vegas, NV
- December 21- Become a Cyber-Sleuth: Using the Internet for Investigative Research; Nevada State Bar Association; Las Vegas, NV
Internet For Lawyers also produces turn-key research seminars, on nearly two dozen topics, for:
- Law Firms
- In-House Legal Departments
- Bar Associations
- Investigators
- Insurance Companies
- Libraries
For more information on available seminar topics, click here for our list of customizable, in-house continuing legal education topics.
For more information on these and other upcoming seminars, see our calendar of upcoming continuing legal education seminars.
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