IFL Press has announced publication of "How to Use the Internet For Legal & Investigative Research," Seventh Edition by Mark E. Rosch and Carole A. Levitt, two nationally acclaimed Internet research trainers. The book's cover price is $59.95. For a limited time, we are able to extend a $39.95 price to readers of our newsletter. Rosch and Levitt are also authors of "The Lawyer's Guide to Fact Finding on the Internet" (ABA, 2004). Additionally, through December 31, we are offering a special price of $109.95 for those buying both books.
The all new expanded 7th edition (revised) features the best federal legal research resources, as well as comprehensive information for locating state and local resources for all 50 states. This new edition also includes detailed reviews of the newest free legal research resources on the Internet such as LexisONE.com. It also includes extensive recommendations for investigative and people finder resources all available for free on the Internet.
Even if readers do not know exactly what site they're looking for, finding a site you need is easier than ever with this edition's updated and expanded index. Whether you're looking by jurisdiction, type of information (e.g. real estate records), or by web site name, you will find it quickly in the guide's comprehensive index which includes nearly 1100 entries.
Levitt is a lawyer, law librarian and legal educator – she is not a computer technician. This guide is based on her more than 20 years in the legal field and is written the way legal professionals actually search for information.
Levitt is also a regular contributor to the "Computer Counselor" column for the Los Angeles Lawyer magazine, as well as a member of the Executive Boards of the California State Bar Law Practice Management & Technology Section and the Los Angeles County Bar Association's Law Practice Management Section. Additionally, she has recently conducted in-person MCLE programs for the California, Alaska, Atlanta, Nashville, Nevada, Minnesota and New Mexico Bar Associations, among numerous others.
Rosch has written on computer-related topics for numerous publications including Law Office Computing, Law Practice, Small Firm Business, Los Angeles Lawyer, FindLaw and LLRX.com among numerous other publications.
Thousands of copies of the books six previous editions are helping legal professionals all over the country save time and money as they conduct legal research. This guide has also been added to numerous county, academic and corporate libraries.
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