How do I access the MCLE exercises once I've paid for them?
Our online MCLE exercises are text-based and accessible via any computer with an Internet connection.
After your payment was completed, you should have received two e-mails:
• a receipt for your purchase, and
• instructions/links to access your exercises.
Follow the directions and links in that second e-mail to access the exercises. (If you purchase multiple exercises use the individual "Download" buttons to access each exercise. Do not use the "Download All" button.)
If you cannot locate the instructions e-mail , send us a message at MCLE@netforlawyers.com with the e-mail address and name used to submit your exercises and we will re-send the instructions e-mail to you..
Note that these exercises each for Self-study credit. Each of the Legal Ethics, Substance Abuse, and Elimination of Bias exercises qualify for 1 credit each. Note that some of the General Credit exercises qualify for 1 hour of credit and others qualify for 2-hours of credit. (Credit-hour and category designations are listed on this page http://www.netforlawyers.com/page/access-page-online-participatory-legal-ethics-general-elimination-bias-and-substance-abuse-onli.)
Once you select your exercise(s) you would read the associated article(s), answer the quiz questions, and click the submit button. (Some exercises have a separate article while others have the reading material integrated into the quiz or the web resources referred to in the quiz.)
What if I paid for MCLE exercises prior to January 20, 2015 - and now I can't access the quizzes?
We have updated our MCLE system to automatically generate Certificates of Completion immediately upon successful completion of an exercise.
You can still access those exercises in our old system here. These quizzes require us to manually review your submission to issue your Certificate of Completion. Close to the MCLE deadline, it can take 5-7 days for us to certify your submission and send those Certificates of Completion. (Your Certificate of Completion reflects THE DATE ON WHICH YOU SUBMITTED THE EXERCISE.
You can also e-mail us at MCLE@netforlawyers.com with the name(s) of any exercises you paid for prior to 1/20/15 but have not yet completed. We will send you links (in the new system) to access the exercise(s) you have paid for but not completed. Please also include the name and e-mail address used to to originally purchase the exercises.
How do I receive my Certificates of Completion for these online MCLE exercises once I complete them?
Our new Online MCLE system automatically generates your California MCLE Certificate of Completion immediately after you successfully complete an exercise.
These California MCLE Certificate of Completion are sent as an e-mail attachment and include the date/time you successfully completed the exercise, along with the title/credit category/credit hours for the MCLE exercise. The forms are customized with your name and Bar Number (or Paralegal title). Your California MCLE Certificate of Completion serves as your "proof of completion" in the event that your MCLE compliance is audited by the Bar at some later date. You are required to keep it in your records for four years.
If you did not receive your California MCLE Certificate of Completion, send us a message at MCLE@netforlawyers.com with the e-mail address and name used to submit your exercises and we will re-send it to you.
Thank you for completing a portion of your MCLE requirement online with Internet For Lawyers.
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