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California Supreme Court Dockets Available Online

The dockets of the California Supreme Court are searchable for free online.
Users can search by:
- Case Number
- Supreme Court
- Court of Appeal
- Trial Court
- Party Name
- Attorney Name
- Case Caption
Information returned in the searches includes:
- Case Summary (Main Screen)
- Lower Court Information
- Party & Attorney Information
- Briefing Summary
- Docket Entries
- Disposition
Users can also ask to be notified by e-mail when there is any activity/update to the case. Activity the can be tracked automatically includes:
- Answer/Reply to Petition for Review Filed
- Record on Appeal Filed (automatic appeal cases only)
- Briefs Filed on the Merits and Amicus Briefs (briefs filed after a petition is granted review)
- Orders Filed Granting Review
- Disposition Filed (including denial of petition for review)
- Request for Modification of Opinion or Petition for Rehearing Filed
- Remittitur Issued
The Court advises however that "E-mail notification is provided as a convenient service and should not be your sole source for case updates. E-mail registrations will be deleted from the system six months after a case is complete. If a case is reinstated at a later date, you will need to register again for case notifications."
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