Online, self-study CLE for California, New York & Arizona Attorneys
INSTRUCTIONS: Read our article, "From Due Diligence to Corporate Intelligence" and then answer the following 24 questions to earn two hours participatory MCLE credit.
Use the hyperlinks included in the questions to find your answers.
State Bar of California, New York, Arizona, or West Virginia MCLE Certificates of Completion will be issued after the quiz materials on this page are completed and returned to Internet For Lawyers, along with your payment by check or credit card. Once received, Internet For Lawyers staff will verify your submission and issue those Certificates of Completion as appropriate.
CALIFORNIA: Internet For Lawyers certifies that this activity has been approved for MCLE credit by the State Bar of California in the amount of up to 2 hours of General or Law Practice Management self-study credit. Internet For Lawyers is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider.
NEW YORK: This course is eligible for up to 2 hours of CLE credit under New York's approved jurisdiction procedures. Newly admitted New York attorneys may not earn CLE credit for non-traditional course formats such as this during their first two years of admission to the New York Bar.
ARIZONA: The State Bar of Arizona does not approve or accredit CLE activities for the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education requirement. This activity may qualify for up to 2 hours of "interactive" credit toward your annual CLE requirement for the State Bar of Arizona, when used in conjunction with materials available on this site to actively search the Internet for exam solutions. This includes ZERO hours of professional responsibility.
State Bar of California, New York or Arizona MCLE Certificates of Completion will be issued after the quiz materials on this page are completed and returned to Internet For Lawyers, along with your payment by check or credit card. Once received, Internet For Lawyers staff will verify your submission and issue those Certificates of Completion as appropriate.
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