USA.gov’s search engine is powered by Bing, so to search effectively at USA.gov, you would need to be a proficient Bing searcher. For those of you used to Google searching, you will find that searching at Bing/USA.gov is very different in some instances.
USA.gov provides no search tips and we were unable to easily find any at Bing. However, on USA.gov’s Advanced Search page (which you can only find once you run a search), if you click the “You can also use advanced search operators to help limit and focus your searches” link, you will be taken to the “Advanced search keywords” page. But that page only explains how to use various instructions such as how to limit your search to a specific file type. The more useful help page, where you learn how to search with Boolean connectors, is found by clicking the “Advanced search options” link at the bottom of the “Advanced search keywords” page.
Let’s take a look at how searching Bing/USA.gov and Google is the same for some searches but very different for others.
Phrase Searching
There are no differences when phrase searching at Google and Bing/USA.gov. Phrases are surrounded within quotation marks.
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