- Site Offers Free Access to More Than 40,000 Court Forms
- Google Now Indexes Documents in the Adobe PDF File Format
- FreeEdgar Begins Charging for Previously Free E-Mail Alerts
- Forbes Magazine Introduces New Executive Tracker
- Have a Backup Plan to Avoid Losing Valuable Computer data
- MacAttorney.com offers FREE Newsletter for Macintosh Using Attorneys
- Tax Forms for All 50 States & the Feds are FREE Available Online
- NY Post Plans to Put 200 Years Worth of Archives Online
- MDVista Offers Medical Portal Written & Edited by World Renowned Physicians
- More Tips
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- Redistribution
1. Site Offers Free Access to More Than 40,000 Court Forms
USCourts.com offers free access to more than 400,000 federal, state and local court forms. Users can also gain greater access and flexibility in using the forms via a paid subscription. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/free_court_forms.htm INTERNET LEGAL RESEARCH SEMINAR IN CENTURY CITY TUESDAY, APRIL 17 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. "How To Use The Internet For Business & Investigative Research" Topics to be covered range from: finding legal collections by topic to investigative research (business research, public records and people finders). For other details see http://www.netforlawyers.com/century_city_mcle_apr.htm or e-mail seminars@netforlawyers.com.
2. Google Indexes PDF
Google, which claims "the largest index of websites available on the World Wide Web and the industry's most advanced search technology," has added the ability to index and search files in the Adobe PDF file format. Currently, the Google index contains over 13 million PDF documents which can be returned as part of a user's Google search. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/google_pdf.htm
3. FreeEdgar.com Begins Charging for Previously Free E-Mail Alerts
FreeEdgar.com's just got a little bit less free. The company announced that it will begin charging its more inquisitive users for its previously free "Watchlist" e-mail alerts. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/freeedgar_e-mail.htm
4. Forbes Magazine Introduces People Tracker of Executives
Forbes.com has introduced a new "high end" People Tracker allowing users to track over 120,000 executives and members of the Forbes "Rich" and "Celebrity" lists, as well as public companies and their executives. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/forbes_people_tracker.htm
5. Planning and Implementing a Computer Backup System
Computer crashes are a fact of life, but in her "Computer Counselor" column for the Los Angeles Lawyer magazine, Carole Levitt and Maestro Computing Services' Elliott Stern explain how attorneys can develop a simple back-up plan to avoid the loss of productivity or computer data that can be caused by small, everyday problems, such as wear and tear, viruses, electrical surges or outages, and accidents. For more, see: http://www.netforlawyers.com/articles.htm#backup
6. MacAttorney.com offers FREE Newsletter for Macintosh Using Attorneys
MacAttorney.com offers a FREE newsletter for all attorneys who use (or are considering buying) a Macintosh computer in their legal practice. The monthly newsletter contains tips on using the Macintosh, the latest Macintosh computer news, events, products for law office use, and special promotions for attorneys. For an online version, see: http://www.netforlawyers.com/mac_attorney.htm or visit the web site http://www.macattorney.com
7. Tax Forms for All 50 States & the Feds are Available FREE Online
Looking for a tax form that wasn't included in your package from the IRS, or one from another state? Internet For Lawyers has links to resources for tax forms for all the states, as well as the Federal government. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/tax_forms.htm
8. New York Post Plans to Put 200 Years of Archives Online
The New York Post, the nation's oldest continuously published daily newspaper, has announced plans to make its 200 years worth of archives available on the Internet. See: http://www.netforlawyers.com/new_york_post_archive.htm
9. MDvista Offers Online Medical Portal Written & Edited by World Renowned Physicians
MDvista has gathered together 40 prominent physicians from top-tier universities including Stanford, Harvard, and University of Chicago on its editorial board. While this may sound like an impressive list by itself, it is even more impressive when one considers that most other medical portals are edited by non-physicians. See http://www.netforlawyers.com/medical_portal.htm
10. Want more Internet Legal Research Tips??
Go to http://www.netforlawyers.com for additional articles, features and tips to conducting more effective legal, business & investigative research on the Internet.
11. How to subscribe/unsubscribe from this newsletter
You have received this newsletter because you have either requested a subscription to it, attended a recent INTERNET FOR LAWYERS MCLE seminar, or a friend has forwarded it to you because they believe this information would be useful to you. If someone forwarded this e-mail to you, and you wish to subscribe to the INTERNET FOR LAWYERS newsletter, simply email to newsletter@netforlawyers.com with the word "subscribe" in the subject area. If you wish to unsubscribe, simply reply to this message with the words "unsubscribe" in the subject line. You will receive a confirmation that you have been removed from the mailing list. You may rejoin at any time simply by going to www.netforlawyers.com or by sending a message to newsletter@netforlawyers.com with the words "subscribe" in the subject line.
12. Advertising Information
For more information on advertising in the INTERNET FOR LAWYERS Newsletter, books, or web site, contact us at advertising@netforlawyers.com.
13. Redistribution of Information
We encourage you to freely distribute this INTERNET FOR LAWYERS newsletter, as long as it bears the following attribution: Source: INTERNET FOR LAWYERS (c) 2001 http://www.netforlawyers.com While we welcome links to http://www.netforlawyers.com (or any of our articles or resources) republication of this or any Internet For Lawyers material on another website is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Internet For Lawyers. We do not encourage, condone or practice spamming in the distribution/re-distribution of this newsletter. Please only forward this message to individuals you know and whom you feel could benefit from its content.
Carole Levitt
Internet For Lawyers
(310) 559-2247
- Forbes Magazine Launches Executive "People Tracker"
- FreeEdgar.com Begins Charging for Previously Free E-mail Alerts
- Google Now Indexes PDF Files
- MDvista Offers Online Medical Portal Written & Edited by Physicians
- MacAttorney.com Offers FREE Newsletter for Attorneys Using Macintosh Computers - March 2001
- New York Post Plans to Put 200 Years of Archives Online
- Site Offers Free Access to More Than 40,000 Court Forms
Read the latest strategies, tips and new resources available for integrating the Internet into your law practice in our newsletter.