Social Media
  • In a verdict handed down Thursday, May 26, 2016, jurors found that Google’s use of basic elements of the Java programming language to build its Android mobile operating system was a fair use under federal copyright law. While this is an important case in the fair use/copyright milieu, an earlier order by Judge Alsup is nearly as important to those following juror social media research...

  • In September 2015, the Colorado Bar Association Ethics Committee (Committee) issued Formal Opinion 127—“Use of Social Media for Investigative Purposes” to address the conflicting ethical opinions from various jurisdictions about how to apply the established ethical principles to the use of social media and social networks as investigative tools. The Committee stated, “In...

  • Effective July 2015, South Carolina state employees will be covered by a new Code of Conduct. Aside from the usual types of restrictions barring state employees from "us[ing] state resources for their private business or financial gain" or "use state personnel, equipment, materials, or facilities for political campaigns", the new South Carolina State Employee Code of Conduct...

  • Instagram is a social networking site focused on sharing images and video. Users can also record and share fifteen second videos. Because Instagram started out as a mobile app, the Web site actually feels a bit like an afterthought–with not very much functionality.          (function() { var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/...

  • Bing has launched a new search function that allows users to easily retrieve content from Twitter using either the hash symbol ("#") or the "@" sign as part of your search. While Microsoft has touted its "special relationship" with Twitter (dating back to 2009), this new development does not appear to offer significant improvements beyond the search capabilities of...

  • Even if you have set your list of Friends on Facebook to the most restrictive privacy setting offered (Only Me), that list may still be visible - dependent on the privacy settings of your Facebook friends. Information security consulting firm CyberInt has reported a work-around that can expose portions of your Friends list to anyone on the Internet by comparing your Friends list to that of a (...

  • In a recent press release, TransUnion/TLO announced “a powerful new Social Media Search feature” that allows you to enter up to five email addresses associated with your subject (see next image) and TLO will scour over 145 social media sources to, “Potentially verify identity and gain insight on associations and relationships through data that helps create a more complete view...

  • Searching for the "tweets" people post on Twitter has long been a hit-or-miss proposition. For a long time, you could not retrieve any tweets older than a week or two. And even though Twitter has always had an Advanced Search page, the site no longer includes a link to it on its homepage. Now, you can retrieve older tweets more easily, within a range you define, using the newly added...

  • As more and more attorneys find useful background and investigative research information in the social networking profiles of opposing parties, potential witnesses, experts, etc. more and more State Bar associations are issuing Legal Ethics Opinions discussing whether or not (or under what circumstances they can) view these profiles to collect information about these types of people. Follow us:...

  • Bing has revamped the way it retrieves and displays search results to prominently include results related to your social network connections - primarily Facebook and Twitter. The new Bing results display interface is broken up into three columns. The widest column, on the left-hand side displays a traditional looking list of relevant "blue link" results. The middle of the three columns...

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