  • California Attorneys and Paralegals can earn two hours of Self-Study California MCLE credit online by reading this article and completing the associated continuing legal education quiz. (Note, this quiz is currently being updated and is not currently available.) Type “entertainment” into the Google search engine, and "about 680,000,000" results appear, led by E! Online. Type...

  • Attorneys can use library databases to find what they might otherwise have to pay for. by Carole Levitt J.D. It is now commonplace for a library to post its card catalog free on the Internet. This catalog (referred to as an OPAC – Online Public Access Catalog) allows Internet users to peruse a library's catalog at their homes or offices and locate a book before having to travel to...

  • by Carole Levitt J.D., M.L.S. & Mark Rosch A successful Web site and a fine meal have a lot in common. Both of these items need to include the right ingredients, have a variety of components, be presented in an attractive manner, satisfy an immediate need, and be easy to digest. A successful Web site should be capable of attracting and retaining clients, addressing their legal concerns, and...

  • by Carole Levitt J.D., M.L.S. & Mark Rosch What cool tech tools are attorneys and their staff using these days? It depends on whom one asks. From solos to large law firms, the favorites run the gamut of available hardware and software. When we asked various lawyers to choose only their most important gadget or program, some were unable to limit themselves. While all enthused over their...

  • by Mark Rosch & Carole Levitt, JD, MLS Information You Should Include Your extranet can help build stronger relationships with clients and co-counsel and educate them without taking up valuable attorney time. The extranet provides resources to help the client get up to speed on the area of law involved in their matter and to keep them specifically informed about it. Your extranet’s...

  • by Carole Levitt J.D., M.L.S. & Mark Rosch Once a firm has launched its Web site, the next challenge is to keep the site’s content updated. Clients, potential clients, and other attorneys need a reason to return to the site on a regular basis. Unfortunately, many attorneys view their site as little more than an extension of their firm’s print brochure, and as a result their...

  • by Mark Rosch & Carole Levitt, JD, MLS Loosely defined, an "extranet" is a secure location online where firms can collaborate and communicate with clients, co-counsel or between members of the firm. Information shared on the extranet can range from case strategy and timelines, to calendars, updates and other information. You also can incorporate bulletin boards, e-mail or instant messaging to...

  • by Carole Levitt J.D., M.L.S. & Mark Rosch Many Internet users— even relatively sophisticated ones—tend to think that surfing the Web is like surfing the channels on the tele-vision, but there is a significant difference. When people watch television, their particular viewing habits are not recorded without their knowledge. When they surf the Internet, their surfing habits can be...

  • Federal & State Courts are Working to Balance Issues of Privacy & Public Access by Carole Levitt J.D., M.L.S. By definition, public records are available to anyone who takes the time to go to the appropriate source and ask for them. Privacy advocates are not pleased, however, that these records are becoming more increasingly accessible over the Internet. Without the effort of...

  • by Carole Levitt & Mark Rosch More powerful than a PDA, the Pocket PC rivals a laptop and fits in a pocket Advances in technology continue to pack more and more computer processing power into less and less space. One result of this trend is that over the last few years, the laptop computer has become an indispensable tool for nearly every attorney. It has allowed lawyers to remain in touch...

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