Just over seven months after Yahoo! announced that it would be offering free real-time stock portfolio tracking, the portal has announced that it will now begin charging to deliver unlimited real-time, streaming stock quotes and other financial data to users. The pay service, called "The Yahoo! Market Tracker," includes quotes from the New York, American and Nasdaq stock exchanges, breaking news from leading editorial companies, and market analysis including live stock upgrades and downgrades for $9.95 per month.
The real-time data and alerts are available on mobile devices, including mobile phones, pagers, and PDAs, as well as on desktop or laptop personal computers.
Yahoo! still provides free stock quotes on a 20 minute delayed basis during the trading day. Real-time, after-hours quotes from a variety of Electronic Communication Networks (ECN's) such as Archipelago, Instinet and Island are still available free from Yahoo!.
For more information see http://www.finance.yahoo.com/rtq.
Real-time stock quotes are still available for free (with registration) from Thomson Financial Network.
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