The West Group will offer WestlawÆ legal research tools to wireless Internet users on the OmniSky service. The new service will allow attorneys to conduct real-time legal research from any location - whether it's a courtroom, client conference room, or an airport waiting area.
OmniSky will provide a variety of Westlaw content:
- Westlaw Cases: Case headnotes and synopsis are retrievable by entering the citation. The full text can be sent to any e-mail address by clicking on an included e-mail link.
- KeyCiteÆ: Full history, negative history, or case citations will all be available. KeyCite results can also be sent to any e-mail address.
- West Legal DirectoryÆ: Profiles of the more than one million attroneys in the directory are available for viewing or can be e-mailed to any e-mail address.
The service will be available through a wide range of wireless devices, including PalmÆ IIIxe, IIIe, V, Vx, VII and VIIx; Compaq iPac PocketPC; RIM Blackberry 850, 950 and 957; HandSpring Visor Prism and Platinum; Casio Cassiopeia E115 and 125; and the HP Jornada 540.
Westlaw is the first legal-specific application on the OmniSky wireless e-mail and Internet service.
For more information see http://www.westgroup.com.
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