Is someone posting your company's, or your clients' "confidential," internal memos on the Internet?
InternalMemos.com offers nearly 1,000 internal memos from companies ranging from General Electric and WorldCom to AOL TimeWarner and Cap Gemini Ernst & Young.
It is free to browse the abstracts of available memos (in chronological order). Memos are also searchable for free by company name or keyword.
However, only some memos may be viewed for free. The majority require a paid subscription to view. A $45.00 monthly or $180.00 annual subscription buys unlimited viewing of the "premium" memos.
InternalMemos.com solicits additions to its database via a form on the site. Visitors can cut and paste the contents of internal e-mails, or type text from hard copy documents into the web form for posting on the InternalMemos.com site.
For more information on conducting company research online, see:
- From Due Diligence to Corporate Intelligence
- How to Use the Internet for Legal, Business & Investigative Research
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