JurisNotes Offers IP News, Articles & Case Summaries
JurisNotes.com is an Intellectual Property web site and e-mail newsletter devoted to patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, trade dress, right of publicity, and other IP topics. The web site itself is free to use, and includes articles, past case summaries, links to primary and secondary resources, and other research tools.
The site also offers a twice-weekly email newsletter to paid subscribers that contains case and UDRP decision summaries, as well as IP news, articles, and other resources. Each issue includes links to cases discussed, when available. Subscriptions begin at $200 annually for individual subscriptions and vary based on the number of members in the subscribing law firm or organization.
JurisNotes offers a free two-month trial subscription, with no obligation. At the end of the trial, the company DOES NOT sign users up for a paid subscription unless users specifically request to continue. No surprise invoice arrives.
The site also includes a selection of articles covering a variety of IP topics ranging from patent and trademark to content licensing. Anyone can submit articles for review by the site's editor for possible inclusion on the site.
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