LPM NETWORK: INTERNET MARKETING FOR LAWYERS A PRESENTATION OF LACBA Los Angeles County Bar Association LAW PRACTICE MANAGEMENT SECTION PRESENTED BY Carole Levitt, President Mark Rosch, Vice President Internet For Lawyers The Internet is revolutionizing the business of practicing Law. Resources that were once only available to large firms are now available to any attorney with a computer and a connection to the Internet. Not only are there numerous resources for legal research information, but the Internet is also one of the most powerful marketing tools available today. From developing your own web site to participating in online discussion groups specific to your practice area, the Internet allows attorneys to reach prospective clients far beyond the reach of traditional marketing or networking activities. More and more people are using the Internet as a giant "yellow pages" to find the information and servies they are looking for. Just like the phone book, you have to make the effort to have a presence on the internet to be there when they're looking. The following tips offer attorneys (and really any professional or small business person) an introduction to some of the marketing opportunities available through the Internet and a guide to help them in beginning to use them.
Your web site should reflect a look and message that is consistent with your existing brochures or ads. By retaining key elements of your existing marketing materials, your clients will immmediately recognize your web site when they find it. The great thing about a web site is that you can make it significantly more interactive and interesting for the reader than a print brochure. Websites don't have to be expensive either. There are a number of lower cost and FREE services that will allow you to get on the Internet immediately. Important Tips for Your Site: • Make your web site easy to find • Use an easy to remember domain name...and one that is EASILY related to your practice • When people are searching the web for a lawyer, they usually need information - make sure you give it to them • Make the information on your web site easy to find • Do not use too many graphics that will slow down your page as it loads Keeping these tips in mind, what do you like about these two firm web sites? What would you change?
Click images to visit these firm sites. |
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