Home › North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, South Carolina, and California In-Person MCLE Seminars
North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, South Carolina, and California In-Person MCLE Seminars

Since 1999, Internet For Lawyers has provided law firms, corporations, corporate legal departments and local and state Bar Associations around the country with professional and entertaining turn-key CLE programs teaching legal professionals to use the Internet more effectively for business, legal and investigative research.
Company principals, Carole Levitt and Mark Rosch will present the following in-person Continuing Legal Education seminars during January, February, and March.
- January 16
Cybersleuth's Guide to the Internet
South Carolina Association of Administrative and Regulatory Attorneys (SCAARLA)
Columbia, SC - January 30
Noon-2:00 PM: Become a Super Google Searcher
3:00-5:00 PM: Learn to Use Social Media for Investigative Research and as Evidence…Ethically
Los Angeles Law Library
Los Angeles, CA - February 13
Cybersleuth's Guide to the Internet
North Carolina Bar Foundation
Cary, NC - February 26
Cybersleuth's Guide to the Internet
Pennsylvania Bar Institute (PBI)
Philadelphia, PA
(see link for live simulcast locations) - March 11
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Technology, the Cloud and Your Practice: A Day with Carole Levitt and Mark Rosch Webcast Series
- 9-10 AM
Power Your Practice with Google "Cloud" Gmail and Calendar Business Apps
- 10:30-11:30AM
How to Avoid Potential Ethical Traps While Using Social Media
- 12 Noon-1PM
“No Thanks, I'm Just Browsing” – A Non-Technical Introduction to the Chrome Web Browser
- 2-3PM
How the Internet Can Benefit Your Litigation Practice: Internet Legal Research on a Budget
Minnesota CLE
Webcasts - March 12
Investigative Internet Research: Find It Fast and Free!
Minnesota CLE
Minneapolis Conference Center
Here’s what some of the thousands of lawyers around the country who have benefited from their programs have to say:
- “Being able to specifically look for documents on people or companies! What to say but WOW! The benefits are endless.”
- “Very good. The speaker’s presentation in tandem was near perfection and usable knowledge presented in a little known area was plentiful. This is at the top of my [list of] CLE Course[s] I’ve taken in 3 years of practice. Exceptionally well-structured and very informative of a critical need. All [materials] are written clearly and flow in natural sequence. Pictures and illustrations are welcome part of chapters and present good examples and clear directions.”
- “This was wonderful! The content was excellent and will definitely help me in my job. I am very excited to go back and let my supervising attorneys know that I really have brought back useful information.”
- “Fantastic, relevant, interesting information. Want to go try some of these now!”
Read the latest strategies, tips and new resources available for integrating the Internet into your law practice in our newsletter.