USA.gov (formerly FirstGov.gov)
USA.gov (http://www.usa.gov) is the federal government’s document search portal. USA.gov searches millions of Web pages from all levels of the United States government: federal, state, local, tribal, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories. (Although results occasionally bring back court opinions, this is not the right site to search for them. There are better, free options, such as Google Scholar and if your bar subscribes to them, Casemaker and Fastcase.)
In addition to offering keyword searching, USA.gov offers the ability to browse by selecting one of the five tabs listed below the search box on USA.gov’s home page: Services, Blog, Topics, Government Agencies, and Contact Government. Once you select one of these tabs, such as the Government Agencies tab, for example, a drop-down menu appears where more links are revealed.
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