For a Limited Time Only Ancestry.com has recently added a database of U.S. military enlistment and draft records purportedly beginning with the Jamestown settlement (1607) and running through the Vietnam era (1970). Records can be searched with as little as a last name. However, the results list will be pretty long for such a search. (It's also important to note that the search does not stem a partial last name or allow for "wildcard" searches if you are unsure of the exact spelling of a name.)
Searches can be further narrowed down by adding:
- First Name
- Birth Year
- Death Year
- War/Conflict
- Keywords (e.g. the unit in which they served)
Information contained in the records includes:
- Name
- Birth Year
- Enlistment Date
- Education
- Height
- Weight
- Marital Status
Access to the records is free through June 6, 2007 (the D-Day anniversary). After that it will be free to search the database, but access to the records will be limited to users with paid subscriptions to Ancestry.com.
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